Sample notices can be customized for your plan

As a plan sponsor, you’re responsible for notifying your employees and participants about important plan details, such as default investments, safe harbor plan provisions, automatic enrollment and blackout periods. Keeping track of all the different notification requirements can be challenging.

Use our samples as templates

To help you, we have created sample notices that you can customize with your plan details. The sample notices are easy to edit and save as Microsoft® Word documents. The places where you need to make changes are clearly marked.

For example, you’ll see where to add your company name, specific dates and contact information. The samples show you where to select appropriate text based on your plan’s features and operational procedures.

Sample notice


Plan start-up announcement*

This announcement introduces your new plan to employees. More details.

Termination of recordkeeper services letter

This letter is sent to the previous recordkeeper when a plan is transitioning to Capital Group. More details.

Blackout notice
Blackout extension notice
End of blackout notice*
Blackout notice — Spanish
Blackout extension notice — Spanish
End of blackout notice* — Spanish


These sample notices are for use with existing plans transitioning to Capital Group. More details.

QDIA notice

QDIA notice — Spanish

Use this notice if your plan is seeking relief from liability for participant investment losses by offering qualified default investment alternatives. More details.

Combined QDIA and ADP/ACP safe harbor notice

Combined QDIA and ADP/ACP safe harbor notice — Spanish

Use this combined notice if your ADP/ACP safe harbor plan offers qualified default investment alternatives. More details.

Combined QDIA and automatic enrollment notice

Combined QDIA and automatic enrollment notice — Spanish

Use this combined notice if your plan offers QDIAs along with automatic enrollment. Includes customizable language for ADP/ACP safe harbor plans. More details.

ADP/ACP safe harbor notice

Participants in ADP/ACP safe harbor plans must receive an annual notice. More details.

Employer match notice

This letter informs participants about a new employer match contribution or change to an existing employer match contribution for the plan.

Contribution limit letter with catch-up contributions* or without catch-up contributions*

These letters inform participants about current contribution maximums. More details.

Qualified joint and survivor annuity notification

Use this notice to notify terminating participants with vested balances greater than $7,000 of their options under Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity (QJSA) provisions.

Qualified preretirement survivor annuity notification

Use this notice to inform active participants of their benefit options under Qualified Pre-Retirement Survivor Annuity (QPSA) provisions.

* Not a required notice.

Notices will be customized for you by Capital Group. Exceptions may apply.

Use our notice delivery service 

Have us create and deliver your plan notices automatically, or submit your notices for us to mail to participants. Learn more.

For more information

Contact us at (877) 872-5159 to find out more about using these sample notices.

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As of July 1, 2024, American Funds Distributors, Inc. was renamed Capital Client Group, Inc.
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