Take your retirement plan to the next level

As your retirement plan grows in participants and assets, adding the right plan enhancements may provide easier administration, more personalized tools and greater plan efficiency.

Save time and provide a better experience

See five key features that can transform the way you manage your company’s PlanPremier® retirement plan.

Plan administration

Use these optional features to simplify tasks, monitor activity and be responsive.

  • Eligibility tracking identifies who’s qualified to participate and sends enrollment materials automatically to eligible employees.
  • Online enrollment reduces printed forms and manual data entry. Employees can enroll in the retirement plan online or by phone.
  • Quick enrollment gets employees enlisted with a single click using the plan’s preset salary deferral rate and default investment option.
  • Automatic enrollment enlists employees when they become eligible at a default contribution rate and investment option (unless they opt out).
  • Automatic deferral escalation can be included with automatic enrollment to increase salary deferrals annually by a preset amount (unless participants opt out).
  • Deferral tracking notifies the plan sponsor or payroll provider when participants set or change their deferral rates.
  • Beneficiary tracking maintains beneficiary information online and identifies those without a designated beneficiary.
  • Plan notice delivery provides an easy solution to deliver plan disclosures and notices to employees (additional fees may apply).
  • Automated mandatory distribution simplifies small balance distributions by handling the process for you. 

Payroll processing

Reduce time and effort with the optional Payroll Bridge service.

  • Secure connection allows payroll providers to send ready-to-process payroll contribution files directly to Capital Group.
  • Data bridge eliminates the need for separate batch entries by the plan sponsor.
  • Validation and approval steps keep the plan sponsor in control.
  • Accurate employee data supports online plan analytics and helps the sponsor manage plan health.
  • Two-way file transfer between payroll providers and Capital Group enables seamless loan and deferral processing (available with a limited number of payroll providers).

Payroll Bridge is available with a wide range of payroll providers approved to work with Capital Group, including ADP and Ceridian.

To learn more, call us at (877) 872-5159 between 8:30 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Eastern time, Monday through Friday.

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