Our research shows that most core bond managers take excessive credit risk. We offer a framework to help investors see how their core managers stack up.
Capital Group solutions portfolio manager Wesley Phoa examines how mean-variance optimization can be used across financial applications that could not have been anticipated when it was introduced in 1952.
Capital Group solutions portfolio manager Wesley Phoa offers a framework for investors navigating a financial crisis from its buildup to its aftermath.
Our fixed income investment team discuss the different attributes, as well as the risk and return profiles of local currency and hard currency bonds.
A Capital Group solutions portfolio manager discusses techniques to better incorporate inflation risk in asset allocation modeling.
Capital Group discusses the ways target date funds can add value for participants.
Capital Group’s dedicated high yield team uses fundamental research and diversity of thought to build a strategy that can generate value over the long term.
Explore the link between bond maturity and equity diversification in developed economies over the past six decades. You must be logged in to access.
As global equity correlations rise, is flexibility the new diversification?
Asset allocation can greatly influence investors’ participation in retirement plans, depending on their risk tolerance.
Discusses the practical application of life cycle models in the management of target date funds. You must be logged in to download the PDF.
Capital Group’s approach to target date strategies representing our best thinking that seeks to deliver the retirement outcomes participants work to achieve.
Capital Group’s U.S. interest rates team has developed a robust and repeatable process designed to add value through active interest rate management.
Analysis of the historical behavior of credit markets prior to and in response to previous U.S. monetary tightening cycles sheds light on potential areas of opportunity.
How can defined benefit (DB) and defined contribution (DC) plans work together to help close the retirement income gap?
Learn the ways defined benefit (DB) and defined contribution (DC) plans can be used to hedge against different risks instead of replacing one another.
It’s time to reconsider the value-growth rotation cycle. The rise of technology and intangible assets are rendering style distinctions less meaningful.