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The reference to “Capital Group” used herein includes The Capital Group Companies, Inc., and its affiliates.

Experience matters

We’ve invested in international equity markets for more than 60 years

Capital Group created the first stock market indexes that track international equities.

We have:


years managing international equity portfolios


billion in international equity strategies


global research offices


analysts based in Europe and Asia

Capital is a pioneer in international equity markets.

Capital is a pioneer in international equity markets. This timeline shows some key dates in Capital’s history of international investing. In 1953, Capital made its first investment outside North America in Royal Dutch Petroleum. In 1955, Capital made its first equity investment in Japan. In 1965, Capital created the first-ever international equity indexes. In 1978, Capital launched an international equity strategy for institutional clients. In 1986, Capital unveiled the world’s first emerging markets equity fund. In 1992, Capital made its first equity investments in India. In 1994, Capital made its first equity investments in China. Source: Capital Group.

World Markets Review

Strategies across the risk spectrum

Our diversified approach provides a range of solutions for institutions.

American Funds® International Vantage Fund

Investment objective:
Provide prudent growth of capital and conservation of principal


EM exposure: 1

Mutual fund 

International Equity Strategy

Investment objective:
Long-term growth of capital


EM exposure: 2

Collective investment trust, separate account 

Capital Group International Growth and Income Strategy

Investment objective: 
Long-term growth of capital while providing current income 


EM exposure: 2

Collective investment trust, mutual fund 

Capital Group EuroPacific
Growth Strategy

Investment objective:
Long-term growth of capital 


EM exposure: 2

Collective investment trust, mutual fund 

International All Countries Equity Strategy

Investment objective:
Long-term growth of capital


EM exposure: 2

Collective investment trust, separate account

Investment insights from around the world.

Subscribe to Capital Ideas Institutional to access our in-depth global research on equities, fixed income and the economy.

Connect for more information

Interested in learning more about our international equity solutions? Call us between 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday. 

Unless otherwise noted, all data are as of 12/31/2022.

Assets under management data are preliminary and as of December 31, 2022.

1Represents % of net equity assets for American Funds International Vantage Fund.

2Represents % of total portfolio equity assets for International Equity Strategy, Capital Group International Growth and Income Strategy, Capital Group EuroPacific Growth Strategy and International All Countries Equity Strategy and based on a representative account for each strategy.

MSCI EAFE (Europe, Australasia, Far East) Index is a free float-adjusted market capitalization weighted index that is designed to measure developed equity market results, excluding the United States and Canada.

MSCI All Country World ex USA (ACWI ex USA) Index is a free float-adjusted market capitalization weighted index that is designed to measure equity market results in the global developed and emerging markets, excluding the United States. The index consists of more than 40 developed and emerging market country indexes

Investments are not FDIC-insured, nor are they deposits of or guaranteed by a bank or any other entity, so they may lose value.
Investors should carefully consider investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. This and other important information is contained in the fund prospectuses and summary prospectuses, which can be obtained from a financial professional and should be read carefully before investing.
Important information about objectives, risks, charges and expenses for collective investment trusts is contained in the Characteristics Statement, which can be obtained from Capital Group or participants' plan provider or employer.
Investing outside the United States involves risks, such as currency fluctuations, periods of illiquidity and price volatility. These risks may be heightened in connection with investments in developing countries.
Statements attributed to an individual represent the opinions of that individual as of the date published and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Capital Group or its affiliates. This information is intended to highlight issues and should not be considered advice, an endorsement or a recommendation.
All Capital Group trademarks mentioned are owned by The Capital Group Companies, Inc., an affiliated company or fund. All other company and product names mentioned are the property of their respective companies.
Use of this website is intended for U.S. residents only.
Collective Investment Trusts (CITs) are available for investment only to certain qualified retirement plans. Capital Group CITs are maintained by Capital Bank and Trust Company (“trustee”), which has retained an affiliate to serve as investment adviser to the trustee.
Capital Client Group, Inc.
This content, developed by Capital Group, home of American Funds, should not be used as a primary basis for investment decisions and is not intended to serve as impartial investment or fiduciary advice.