Fund Center | Capital Group

Capital Group Euro Bond Fund (LUX)

Een anker voor op de euro gebaseerde portefeuilles met een focus op kwalitatief hoogwaardige obligaties

Per december 2023 is het Capital Group Euro Bond Fund (LUX) onder de Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR, Openbaarmakingsverordening duurzame beleggingen) van de EU geclassificeerd als een artikel 8-fonds.

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        De informatie met betrekking tot de index is louter voor de context en puur ter illustratie. Het fonds is een actief beheerde UCITS. Het wordt niet beheerd onder verwijzing naar een benchmark.

        Resultaten uit het verleden zijn niet indicatief voor de toekomst.

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        Risicofactoren waarmee u rekening dient te houden voordat u gaat beleggen:

        • Dit materiaal is niet bedoeld om beleggingsadvies te verstrekken of om te worden opgevat als persoonlijke aanbeveling.
        • De waarde van beleggingen kan zowel stijgen als dalen en het is mogelijk dat u uw inleg geheel of gedeeltelijk kwijtraakt.
        • Als de valuta van het fonds waarin u belegt in waarde stijgt ten opzichte van de valuta waarin de onderliggende beleggingen van het fonds zijn genoteerd, daalt de waarde van uw belegging. Met valutahedging wordt geprobeerd dit te beperken, maar er is geen garantie dat hedging volledig succesvol is.
        • Voor sommige portefeuilles kan voor beleggingsdoeleinden, voor hedgingdoeleinden en/of ten behoeve van efficiënt portefeuillebeheer worden belegd in financiële derivaten.
        • Daarnaast zijn er aan dit fonds ABS-/MBS-, obligatie-, tegenpartij-, derivaten-, liquiditeits-, operationele en duurzaamheidsrisico's verbonden.


        Aan het Fonds verbonden risico's

        ABS-/MBS-risico: Het fonds kan beleggen in mortgage- of asset-backed securities Het is mogelijk dat de onderliggende kredietnemers van deze effecten niet in staat zijn om het volledige bedrag dat zij verschuldigd zijn terug te betalen, wat kan leiden tot verliezen voor het fonds.

        Obligatierisico: De waarde van obligaties kan veranderen als gevolg van veranderingen in de rentestand - meestal dalen obligaties in waarde wanneer de rente stijgt. Fondsen die beleggen in obligaties staan bloot aan kredietrisico. Wanneer de financiële gezondheid van een issuer verslechtert, kunnen de obligaties van die issuer minder waard of waardeloos worden.

        Tegenpartijrisico: Andere financiële instellingen verschaffen diensten aan het fonds, zoals bewaarneming van beleggingen, of kunnen optreden als tegenpartij voor financiële contracten in onder meer derivaten. Er is een risico dat de tegenpartij zijn verplichtingen niet nakomt.

        Derivatenrisico: Derivaten zijn financiële instrumenten waarvan de waarde afhankelijk is van die van onderliggende activa en die kunnen worden gebruikt om bestaande posities af te dekken of om een economische positie op te bouwen. Een derivaat ontwikkelt zich mogelijk anders dan verwacht, kan verliezen opleveren die groter zijn dan de kosten van het derivaat en kan resulteren in verliezen voor het fonds.

        Liquiditeitsrisico: Bij gespannen marktomstandigheden is het mogelijk dat bepaalde effecten die worden aangehouden door het fonds niet voor de volledige waarde kunnen worden verkocht of helemaal niet kunnen worden verkocht. Het is mogelijk dat het fonds hierdoor de inkoop van haar aandelen moet uitstellen of opschorten, wat betekent dat beleggers mogelijk niet direct toegang hebben tot hun belegging.

        Operationeel risico: Het risico van een potentieel verlies als gevolg van onvoldoende of falende interne processen, mensen en systemen of door externe gebeurtenissen.

        Duurzaamheidsrisico: Een milieu-, maatschappij- of governance-gerelateerde gebeurtenis of omstandigheid die, wanneer deze zich voordoet, een daadwerkelijke of potentiële materiële negatieve impact kan hebben op de waarde van een belegging van het fonds.


        Fund Center | Capital Group

        Informatieverschaffing over duurzaamheid


        Geen duurzame beleggingsdoelstelling

        Dit fonds promoot ecologische of sociale kenmerken maar heeft geen duurzame beleggingsdoelstelling. CRMC (de 'Beleggingsadviseur') heeft echter toegezegd om ten minste 5% van de beleggingen van het Fonds te doen in ondernemingen die, naar het oordeel van de Beleggingsadviseur, maatschappelijke en/of milieugerelateerde uitdagingen aanpakken met hun actuele of toekomstige producten en/of diensten.

        Ecologische en/of sociale kenmerken van de financiële producten

        Het Fonds promoot de ecologische en/of sociale kenmerken door bepaalde emittenten uit te sluiten die niet voldoen aan de gehanteerde uitsluitingscriteria.


        De Beleggingsadviseur identificeert emittenten of groepen emittenten die uit de portefeuille worden geweerd om de ecologische en/of sociale kenmerken te verwezenlijken die het Fonds promoot. De Beleggingsadviseur voert beoordelingen uit en past screening toe op basis van ESG-overwegingen en normen om ondernemingen en overheden uit te sluiten als deze betrokken zijn bij sectoren als tabak, fossiele brandstoffen of wapens. Ook ondernemingen die de beginselen van het VN Global Compact schenden, worden uit de portefeuille geweerd (het 'Negatieve-Screeningbeleid').

        Het Fonds promoot onder meer ecologische en sociale kenmerken, waarbij als aanvullende voorwaarde geldt dat er uitsluitend in ondernemingen wordt belegd die er deugdelijke governancepraktijken op nahouden. In het kader van het ESG-integratieproces houdt de Beleggingsadviseur de governancepraktijken van emittenten tegen het licht. Bij de beoordeling van praktijken op het gebied van goed bestuur neemt de Beleggingsadviseur minstens zaken in aanmerking die hij als relevant beschouwt voor de vier voorgeschreven pijlers van goed bestuur (nl. goede managementstructuren, betrekkingen met werknemers, beloning van het betrokken personeel en naleving van de belastingwetgeving). Deze praktijken worden beoordeeld op basis van een montoringproces. Waar relevant wordt er ook een fundamentele analyse uitgevoerd van een verzameling governance-parameters die thema's beslaan als auditpraktijken en de samenstelling en beloning van de raad van bestuur.

        Het Negatieve-Screeningbeleid van Capital Group wordt toegepast op de volledige portefeuille, met uitzondering van contanten, kasequivalenten en geldmarktfondsen. Indexderivaten waarvan voor afdekkings- en/of beleggingsdoeleinden van wordt gebruikgemaakt, worden niet op doorkijkbasis beoordeeld. In bepaalde omstandigheden kan het Fonds op deze manier indirecte blootstelling verkrijgen aan een emittent die is betrokken bij de uitgesloten categorieën (bijvoorbeeld met derivaten en andere instrumenten die blootstelling bieden aan een index). Derivaten met één onderliggende waarde moeten voldoen aan het Negatieve-Screeningbeleid. De Beleggingsadviseur zal waarborgen dat het ontvangen onderpand aansluit op het beleid.

        Aandeel beleggingen

        De voorgenomen assetallocatie wordt doorlopend gemonitord en jaarlijks heroverwogen. Ten minste 90% van de beleggingen van het Fonds is afgestemd op E/S-kenmerken. Maximaal 10% van de beleggingen van het Fonds, met inbegrip van beleggingen die niet zijn afgestemd op de gepromote E/S kenmerken en/of derivaten behoort tot de categorie '#2 Overige'. Binnen die 90% houdt het Fonds ten minste 5% van de portefeuille aan in duurzame beleggingen met een ecologische of sociale doelstelling in economische activiteiten die volgens de EU-taxonomie niet als ecologisch duurzaam gelden.

        Monitoring ecologische of sociale kenmerken

        De Beleggingsadviseur past het Negatieve-Screeningbeleid toe op de fondsportefeuille door emittenten uit te sluiten op basis van ESG-overwegingen en normen. Het Fonds houdt de volgende parameters bij:

        • in hoeverre effectenuitgevende ondernemingen voldoen aan de criteria uit het Negatieve-Screeningbeleid; en
        • het percentage overheidsemittenten dat niet voldoet aan de vereisten uit het relevante beoordelingsproces van de Beleggingsadviseur.


        Het Fonds hanteert één bindend ESG-gerelateerd criterium: emittenten worden uitgesloten op basis van screens op sectorniveau en op basis van normen.

        Databronnen en -verwerking

        Er wordt voornamelijk bepaald welke emittenten worden uitgesloten aan de hand van een externe gegevensaanbieder, MSCI ESG Business Involvement Screening Research ('MSCI ESG'). Daarnaast wordt er van datapunten als schendingen van het VN Global Compact gebruikgemaakt.

        Methodologische en databeperkingen

        De methodologie en bronnen die als grondslag dienen voor de uitsluitingen en de volledige ESG-integratie, hebben hun beperkingen.

        Due diligence

        Personeelsleden van de afdelingen Compliance, Risicobeheer en Interne audit van Capital Group voeren periodieke beoordelingen uit over de opzet en de operationele effectiviteit van de ESG-activiteiten van het bedrijf en essentiële controlemaatstaven.


        Een dialoog aangaan met bedrijven is een integraal onderdeel van de dienst voor beleggingsbeheer die de Beleggingsadviseur aan cliënten aanbiedt. Hierdoor kan Capital Group een dialoog tot stand brengen over enige kwesties die een invloed zouden kunnen hebben op de langetermijnvooruitzichten van de onderneming waarin is belegd, inclusief blootstelling aan duurzaamheidsproblemen.

        Aangewezen referentiebenchmark

        Het Fonds heeft geen referentiebenchmark aangewezen om te voldoen aan de door het Fonds gepromote ecologische en/of sociale kenmerken.

        The sustainability-related disclosures are meant to be revised as necessary from time to time to capture any changes or reviews. The capitalized terms are used in accordance with the definitions and references outlined in Capital International Fund Prospectus.

        Capital International Fund – Capital Group Euro Bond Fund (LUX) (the “Fund”)

        LEI: 549300MSGNIE4SEG2P53

        The below section “Summary” was prepared in English and is being translated to other official languages of the European Economic Area. In case of any inconsistency(ies) or conflict(s) between the different versions of this section “Summary”, the English language version shall prevail.


        No sustainable investment objective

        This Fund promotes environmental or social characteristics, but does not have as its objective sustainable investment. However, CRMC (the “Investment Adviser”) commits to maintain at least 5% of the Fund’s investments in companies that, in the Investment Adviser’s opinion, are addressing social and/or environmental challenges through their current or future products and/or services.

        Environmental or social characteristics of the financial products

        The Fund promotes the environmental or social characteristics of excluding investments in issuers that do not align with the exclusion criteria in place.

        Investment strategy

        The Investment Adviser identifies certain issuers or groups of issuers that it excludes from the portfolio to promote the environmental or social characteristics supported by the Fund. The Investment Adviser evaluates and applies ESG and norms-based screening to implement exclusions on corporate and sovereign issuers with respect to certain sectors such as tobacco, fossil fuel and weapons, as well as companies violating the United Nations Global Compact principles (the “Negative Screening Policy”).

        The Fund promotes, among other characteristics, environmental and social characteristics, provided that the companies in which investments are made follow good governance practices. Good governance practices are evaluated as part of the Investment Adviser’s ESG integration process. When assessing good governance practices, the Investment Adviser will, as a minimum, have regard to matters it sees relevant to the four prescribed pillars of good governance (i.e., sound management structures, employee relations, remuneration of staff and tax compliance). Such practices are assessed through a monitoring process. Where relevant, fundamental analysis of a range of governance metrics that cover areas such as auditing practices, board composition and executive compensation, among others, is also conducted.

        The Capital Group’s Negative Screening Policy will apply to the entire portfolio, with the exception of cash, cash equivalents and money market funds. Index derivatives that are used for hedging and/or investment purposes will not be assessed on a look–through basis. Therefore, there may be circumstances where the Fund may gain indirect exposure to an issuer involved in the excluded categories (through, including but not limited to, derivatives and instrument that gives exposure to an index). Single-name derivatives will need to be compliant with the Negative Screening Policy. The Investment Adviser will ensure that collateral received is aligned with the policy.

        Proportion of investments

        The planned asset allocation is monitored continuously and evaluated on a yearly basis. At least 90% of the Fund's investments are aligned with E/S characteristics. A maximum of 10% of the Fund’s investments including investments non-aligned with the E/S characteristics promoted and/or derivatives are in category “#2 Other”. Within the 90%, the Fund will have a minimum proportion of 5% of the portfolio in sustainable investments with an environmental or social objective in economic activities that do not qualify as environmentally sustainable under the EU Taxonomy.

        Monitoring of environmental or social characteristics

        The Investment Adviser applies ESG and norms-based exclusions to implement a Negative Screening Policy to the Fund’s investments. The Fund will monitor:

        • adherence of corporate issuers to the criteria set forth in the Negative Screening Policy; and

        • percentage of sovereign issuers failing the Investment Adviser’s process for assessing sovereigns.


        The Fund implements one binding ESG-related criteria: sector- and norms-based screens in the form of exclusions.

        Data sources and processing

        Exclusions are primarily identified through a third-party provider, MSCI ESG Business Involvement Screening Research (“MSCI ESG”). Other data points include the MSCI United Nations Global Compact violators.

        Limitations to methodologies and data

        The methodology and sources relating to the exclusions and the ESG integration approach as a whole have certain limitations.

        Due diligence

        Members of Capital Group's compliance, risk management and internal audit staff conduct periodic assessments on the design and operating effectiveness of the firm’s ESG activities and key controls.

        Engagement policies

        Establishing dialogue with companies is an integral part of the Investment Adviser’s investment management service to clients. This enables Capital Group to engage and generate dialogue on any issues that could affect the investee company’s long-term prospects, including exposures to sustainability issues.

        Designated reference benchmark

        The Fund has not designated a reference benchmark to meet the environmental and/or social characteristics it promotes.

        No sustainable investment objective

        This Fund promotes environmental or social characteristics but does not have as its objective sustainable investment.

        However, the Investment Adviser commits to maintain at least 5% of the Fund’s investments in companies that, in the Investment Adviser’s opinion, are addressing social and/or environmental challenges through their current or future products and/or services. This 5% minimum qualifies as “sustainable investments” under Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector.

        Such companies have products and services that are majority-aligned, or transitioning towards higher positive alignment, with any single or combination of sustainable investment themes focused on global social and environmental challenges as identified by the Investment Adviser. These themes map to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”). Therefore, investments could be made in companies addressing needs such as but not limited to: (i) energy transition, (ii) health & well-being, (iii) sustainable cities & communities, (iv) responsible consumption, (v) clean water & sanitation, (vi) education & information access, and (vii) financial inclusion.

        The sustainable investments that the Fund intends to make are subject to the Investment Adviser’s eligibility process for sustainable investments. Sustainable investments are those whose business activities are majority-aligned or transitioning towards higher positive alignment with any one or a combination of these sustainable investment themes, and that (i) do not significant harm any environmental or social objective (ii) follow good governance practices and (iii) satisfy the Negative Screening Policy.

        The sustainable investments that the Fund partially intends to make shall not cause any significant harm to any environmental or social sustainable investment objectives. As such the Investment Adviser considers the mandatory Principle Adverse Impacts (PAIs) as set out in Table 1 of Annex I of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1288 for corporate investments, as well as other ESG risks and controversies that the Investment Adviser considers potentially material, such as data privacy or censorship issues. Companies deemed by the Investment Adviser to be causing significant harm, based on the PAIs, are not considered sustainable investments. No investment in sovereign issuers will be considered as sustainable.

        How have the indicators for adverse impacts on sustainability factors been taken into account?

        As mentioned above, the Investment Adviser considers all mandatory PAIs.

        The Investment Adviser considers several PAIs within its Negative Screening Policy. In particular, the Negative Screening Policy addresses the Principal Adverse Impact 4 on exposure to companies active in the fossil fuel sector, Principal Adverse Impact 10 on United Nations Global Compact violators and Principal Adverse Impact 14 on controversial weapons.

        Beyond the screening process, with respect to the remaining mandatory PAIs:

        1. where the Investment Adviser considers sufficient and reliable quantitative data is available across the investment universe, the Investment Adviser uses third-party data and prescribed thresholds to determine whether the adverse impact associated with the company’s activities is potentially significant based on the company’s relative ranking (on the specific adverse impact) to the overall investment universe and/or peer group; or

        2. where data availability or quality is not sufficient across the investment universe to enable a quantitative analysis, the Investment Adviser assess significant harm on a qualitative basis, for example using proxies. 

        The Investment Adviser’s assessment will also include an overall qualitative assessment of how ESG risks are being managed.

        Where third party data or the Investment Adviser’s assessment indicates that a company is potentially doing significant harm based on a PAI threshold, the Investment Adviser will do additional due diligence to better understand and assess negative impacts indicated by third party or proprietary data. If the Investment Adviser concludes that the company is not causing significant harm based on its analysis, it may proceed with the investment and the rationale for that decision will then be documented. For example, the Investment Adviser may conclude a company is not causing significant harm if (i) the Investment Adviser has reason to believe that third-party data is inaccurate and the Investment Adviser’s own research demonstrates that the company is not causing significant harm; or (ii) the company is taking steps to mitigate or remediate that harm through the adoption of timebound targets and there are meaningful signs of improvement and positive change.

        How are the sustainable investments aligned with the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights? Details:

        The sustainable investments are aligned with the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights as follows: the Investment Adviser reviews issuers involved in significant ESG controversies, with a focus on those that may conflict with existing global standards, including guidelines from the United Nations Global. In accordance with the Negative Screening Policy applied to the Fund, the Investment Adviser will exclude companies violating the UN Global Compact principles. Although other incidents will not automatically result in exclusion from the Fund, the Investment Adviser ensures that appropriate action to remediate the concerns are taken.

        Environmental or social characteristics of the financial product

        The Fund promotes environmental and social characteristics, provided that the companies in which investments are made follow good governance practices.
        The Investment Adviser evaluates and applies ESG and norms-based exclusions to implement a Negative Screening Policy to the Fund’s investments at the time of purchase.

        For corporate issuers, the Investment Adviser relies on third-party providers who identify an issuer’s participation in or the revenue which they derive from activities that are inconsistent with these screens with respect to certain sectors such as tobacco, fossil fuel and weapons, as well as companies violating the principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC).

        For sovereign issuers, the Investment Adviser conducts an eligibility assessment leveraging its proprietary sovereign ESG framework, which covers a range of ESG indicators to evaluate how well a country manages its ESG risk. The Investment Adviser uses its proprietary sovereign ESG framework to assess the ESG score of a sovereign issuer against predetermined thresholds.

        The Investment Adviser selects investments to the extent they are in line with the negative screening policy.

        Investment strategy

        The Investment Adviser applies the following investment strategy to attain the environmental and/or social characteristics promoted.

        Negative Screening Policy: The Investment Adviser evaluates and applies ESG and norms-based exclusions to implement a Negative Screening Policy to the Fund’s investments at the time of purchase.

        To support this screening on corporate issuers, the Investment Adviser relies on third party provider(s) who identify an issuer’s participation in or the revenue which they derive from activities that are inconsistent with the ESG and norms-based screens. In this way, third party provider data is used to support the application of ESG and norms-based screening by the Investment Adviser. In the event that exclusions cannot be verified through third-party providers or if the Investment Adviser believes that data and/or assessment is incomplete or inaccurate, the Investment Adviser reserves the right to identify business involvement activities through its own assessment (including by using other third-party data sources). If an eligible corporate issuer held in a Fund subsequently fails a screen, the issuer will not contribute towards the environmental and/or social characteristics of the Fund and will generally be sold within six months from the date of such determination, subject to the best interests of investors in the Fund.

        For sovereign issuers, the Investment Adviser conducts an eligibility assessment leveraging its proprietary sovereign ESG framework, which covers a range of ESG indicators to evaluate how well a country manages its ESG risk. To be eligible for investment, sovereigns must score above pre-determined thresholds for their proprietary ESG score on both an absolute and GNI-adjusted basis. The Investment Adviser leverages data from third-party institutions such as the United Nations and the World Bank to calculate ESG scores across the sovereign universe. Sovereign issuers are evaluated on: (1) a gross national income-adjusted basis to better understand how well a country manages ESG risk relative to its wealth and available resources, as well as (2) on an absolute basis. Sovereign issuers that score below pre-defined thresholds in either category are generally not eligible for purchase by the Funds. If the Investment Adviser believes that the third-party data and/or assessment is incomplete or inaccurate, the Investment Adviser reserves the right to identify exclusions for sovereign issuers through its own assessment. The Investment Adviser also periodically reviews sovereign issuers and if a previously eligible sovereign issuer held in the Fund becomes ineligible, the sovereign issuer will not contribute towards the environmental and/or social characteristics of the Fund and the sovereign issuer will generally be sold within six months from the date of such determination, subject to the best interests of investors in the Fund (save that if the Investment Adviser believes that a score is below a pre-defined threshold for a temporary or a transitory reason, the Investment Adviser may, from time to time, exercise its discretion to keep holding or purchase securities issued by the sovereign issuer).

        What is the policy to assess good governance practices of the investee companies?

        The Investment Adviser ensures that the companies in which investments are made follow good governance practices.

        When assessing good governance practices, the Investment Adviser will, as a minimum, have regard to matters it sees relevant to the four prescribed pillars of good governance (i.e., sound management structures, employee relations, remuneration of staff and tax compliance). 

        As described above, the Investment Adviser applies a Negative Screening Policy to the Fund. As part of this, the Investment Adviser excludes companies that, based on available third-party data, are viewed to be in violation of the principles of the UNGC, which include Principle 10 (anti-corruption) and Principle 3 (employee relations).

        In addition, good governance practices are evaluated as part of the Investment Adviser’s ESG integration process. Such practices are assessed through a monitoring process based on available third-party indicators relating to corporate governance and corporate behavior. Third-party data may be inaccurate, incomplete or outdated. Where the corporate governance and corporate behavior indicators cannot be verified through the third-party provider, the Investment Adviser will aim to make such determination through its own assessment based on information that is reasonably available. Where relevant, fundamental analysis of a range of metrics that cover auditing practices, board composition, and executive compensation, among others, is also conducted. The Investment Adviser also engages in regular dialogue with companies on corporate governance issues and exercises its proxy voting rights for the entities in which the Fund invests.
        If a previously eligible company held in a Fund subsequently fails the Investment Adviser’s assessment of good governance practices, the company will generally be sold within six months from the date of such determination, subject to the best interests of investors in the Fund.

        Capital Group's ESG Policy Statement provides additional detail on Capital Group’s ESG philosophy, integration, governance, support, and processes, including proxy voting procedures and principles, as well as views on specific ESG issues, including ethical conduct, disclosures and corporate governance. Information on Capital Group’s corporate governance principles can be found in its Proxy Voting Procedures and Principles as well as in the ESG Policy Statement.

        Information on Capital Group’s corporate governance principles can be also found in its Proxy Voting Procedures and Principles, available on:
        The ESG Policy Statement provides additional detail on Capital Group’s views on specific ESG issues, including ethical conduct, disclosures and corporate governance, available on:

        Proportion of investments

        At least 90% of the Fund's investments are in category “#1 Aligned with E/S characteristics” and so are used to attain the environmental or social characteristics promoted by the Fund (being subject to the Investment Adviser’s binding Negative Screening Policy and carbon constraint). A maximum of 10% of the Fund’s investments including investments non-aligned with the E/S characteristics promoted and/or derivatives are in category “#2 Other”.

        Within the 90%, the Fund will have a minimum proportion of 5% of the portfolio in sub-category “#1A Sustainable”, being sustainable investments with an environmental or social objective in economic activities that do not qualify as environmentally sustainable under the EU Taxonomy. These are investments that have passed through the Investment Adviser’s sustainable investment assessment. The remainder of the portfolio will be in category “#1B Other E/S characteristics”, being companies that do not pass the Investment Adviser’s assessment of sustainable investment.

        Cash and/or cash equivalents are excluded from the asset allocation above. Cash and cash-equivalents may be held for liquidity purposes to support the Fund’s overall investment objective.

        Monitoring of environmental or social characteristics

        The sustainability indicators used by this Fund to measure the attainment of each of the environmental or social characteristics it promotes are as follows.

        The Investment Adviser applies ESG and norms-based exclusions to implement a Negative Screening Policy to the Fund’s investments. The Fund will monitor:

        • percentage of corporate issuers failing a screen under the Negative Screening Policy; and

        • percentage of sovereign issuers failing the Investment Adviser’s process for assessing sovereigns.

        The Fund applies investment restrictions rules at the time of purchase on a pre-trade basis in portfolio management systems to restrain investment in companies or issuers based on the exclusion criteria. The portfolio also undergoes regular/systematic post-trade compliance checks.
        The methodology applied to sovereign and corporate issuers respectively in support of this screening is described in detail under the section “Investment Strategy” of this document.
        In the event that exclusions cannot be verified through the third-party provider(s) or if the Investment Adviser believes that third party data and/or assessment is incomplete or inaccurate, the Investment Adviser will aim to identify business involvement activities through its own assessment (including third-party data sources). Please refer to Fund’s Negative Screening Policy for further details.


        In addition to the sustainable investment commitments described above, the Fund implements one binding ESG-related criteria: sector- and norms-based screens in the form of exclusions, with the methodology applied to this commitment having already been presented in detail in the previous sections.
        The SFDR classification is related to the European Union’s regulation and is not equivalent to approval or recognition as an ESG Fund by regulators in Asia Pacific.

        Data sources and processing

        The Investment Adviser uses a combination of internal research and third-party data providers to gather ESG-related data.
        Third-party providers are used to calculate the carbon footprint of the Fund and for identifying corporate issuers' involvement in activities inconsistent with ESG and norms-based screens. In the event that exclusions cannot be verified through third-party data or if the Investment Adviser believes that third-party data and/or assessment is incomplete or inaccurate, the Investment Adviser reserves the right to identify business involvement activities through its own assessment (including by using other third-party data sources).
        Exclusions for sovereign issuers are identified through the Investment Adviser’s proprietary research. The Investment Adviser leverages data from third-party institutions such as the United Nations and the World Bank to calculate ESG scores across the sovereign universe. Sovereign issuers are evaluated on: (1) a gross national income-adjusted basis to better understand how well a country manages ESG risk relative to its wealth and available resources, as well as (2) on an absolute basis. If the Investment Advisor believes that the third-party data and/or assessment is incomplete or inaccurate, the Investment Adviser reserves the right to identify exclusions for sovereign issuers through its own assessment.
        Data quality and processing
        Capital Group periodically reviews the performance quality of provider organizations and conducts ongoing monitoring and due diligence activities commensurate with the significance of the services provided.
        Data are regularly updated in Capital Group’s internal platforms and made available to relevant teams. When issues are identified in third-party data, they are reported back to the provider(s). The Investment Adviser also applies systematic data quality checks to catch discrepancies and validate with the provider when issues arise.
        Proportion of data that is estimated
        Third-party providers may estimate data. While reported data are prioritized, Capital Group uses estimated data when reported data are unavailable. The proportion of estimated data varies depending on the data point due to inconsistencies in reporting by investee companies.

        Limitations to methodologies and data

        The methodology and sources relating to the exclusions and the ESG integration approach as a whole have certain limitations. In order to identify all publicly traded companies globally which are involved in activities such as the production of controversial products and revenue derived from activities that are inconsistent with the ESG and norms-based screens, the Fund uses data from third-party provider(s). In the event that data cannot be obtained through third-party providers or if the Investment Adviser believes that third-party data and/or assessment is incomplete or inaccurate, the Investment Adviser will aim to identify business involvement activities through its own assessment (including by using other third-party data sources).

        Due diligence

        Members of Capital Group's compliance, risk management and internal audit staff conduct periodic assessments on the design and operating effectiveness of the firm’s ESG activities and key controls. This includes compliance with internal processes and procedures as well as with the regulatory landscape in the jurisdictions in which the company operates. Capital Group meets regularly with the third-party data providers to review the quality of the services provided.
        Pre-trade and post-trade checks are also in place as further explained in section “Monitoring of environmental or social characteristics” above.

        Engagement policies

        Establishing dialogue with companies is an integral part of the Investment Adviser’s investment management service to clients. Capital Group’s investment teams meet on a regular basis with company management, including executive and non-executive directors, chairs and finance directors. This enables the company to engage and generate dialogue on any issues that could affect the company’s long-term prospects, including exposures to sustainability issues.
        Where Capital Group's investment teams identify an issue material to the long-term value of a company or they are concerned about relative ESG performance, Capital Group's investment professionals and governance teams will engage with management. Management’s response and the steps they take to minimise any associated risks, forms an important part of Capital Group's assessment of management quality, which itself is a key factor in the stock selection decisions.

        Designated reference benchmark

        The Fund has not designated a reference benchmark to meet the environmental and/or social characteristics it promotes.

        Where can more product-specific information be found?

        More product-specific information can be found in the pre-contractual template:
        More product-specific information can be found in the periodic reports: