We view proxies of companies held by the portfolios as significant fund assets and proxy voting as an integral part of the overall investment process.
Our procedures and principles summarize our views on various corporate governance proposals. In our proxy voting process, we seek to vote solely in the financial interests of our investors.
Global proxy policy (PDF)
Our ESG policy statement explains Capital Group's approach to integrating material environmental, social and governance considerations into our investment process as we seek to maximize investment returns and provides a high-level perspective on how we approach a range of stewardship topics.
Discover how we integrate climate change considerations into our investment process, client offerings and business operations. This report also includes our voluntary carbon market disclosure, made in accordance with the requirements of California Assembly Bill 1305, which provides details on the projects associated with voluntary carbon offsets purchased by Capital Group in the calendar year 2023 (see pages 34 and 35).
TCFD report (PDF)
Read answers to common questions we receive about our investment policies and procedures.
Please click on the relevant links below to view regulatory documents related to Separately Managed Account (SMA) services offered by Capital Research and Management Company. Please review the disclosures carefully as they provide important information about the services provided, fees, conflicts of interest and other topics relevant to SMA investors. Capital Research and Management Company serves solely as an investment adviser to these programs and does not act as the sponsor to any SMA program. Clients who enroll in SMA programs should also carefully review the Form CRS (Client Relationship Summary), Form ADV brochure and other program documents provided by the sponsor and/or their financial professional.
Form CRS (PDF)
Form ADV brochure (PDF)