Blackout notice, blackout extension notice and end of blackout notice

When a plan switches recordkeepers or other service providers, or makes changes to its fund lineup, a transition period, also known as a blackout period, is often initiated. During the blackout period, participant access to account information and transactions may be limited or restricted.

In general, plans must give employees and beneficiaries 30 days’ advance notice of any blackout period that will last more than three consecutive business days.

We’ll customize the blackout notice (and extension notice if necessary) to your plan’s specifications for you to provide to your employees and beneficiaries. Or, if you’d prefer to complete your own, use our sample blackout notice.

Our sample blackout notice includes:

  • The reason for the blackout period
  • The expected time frame during which the blackout period will begin and end
  • A list of the restricted transactions during the blackout period
  • How existing investment balances are moved into the new funds
  • A reminder for participants to review their contributions, allocations and options before the blackout period begins

If you determine that the blackout period will last longer than first announced, a supplemental notice of the extension must be given to employees and beneficiaries.

When the blackout period is over, your participants and beneficiaries may appreciate receiving an end of blackout notice to let them know that they can access their accounts again.

For more information, see our sample notices below, or contact your Retirement Plan Coordinator.

Blackout notice
Blackout extension notice
End of blackout notice
Blackout notice — Spanish
Blackout extension notice — Spanish
End of blackout notice — Spanish

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