On-demand compliance testing available

On-demand compliance testing is available online using the Plan Service Center. On-demand testing gives you a snapshot of how your plan is doing from a compliance standpoint, which will help you prepare for year-end nondiscrimination testing.

What information will I receive with on-demand compliance testing?

  • Test Results Letter — a summary of the interim testing results
  • ADP/ACP Test Results Report — interim nondiscrimination testing details
  • Highly Compensated and Key Employee Report — a list of HCEs and key employees
  • Questionable Data Report — a compilation of possible data inaccuracies that you might want to address to ensure a smooth year-end process

How does this affect my current testing process?

We will continue to send you information about year-end testing prior to the end of your plan year. The extensive year-end testing process still includes all required compliance services related to your plan.

How do I request on-demand testing?

  1. Log in to the Plan Service Center and click on the Compliance menu option.
  2. Select Year end compliance within the Compliance drop-down menu to display the Compliance Services page.
  3. At the bottom of the page, enter the date range for the new compliance period that you want the test to cover and click the Create Period button. As with year-end testing, you’ll provide us with ownership and census information.

For detailed instructions, watch the On Demand Testing tutorial by clicking on Video Demonstration on the top navigation bar under the Compliance tab.

For more information

If you have general questions about interim testing, please contact your Retirement Plan Coordinator at (877) 872-5159.

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