Know your role as a fiduciary

As a retirement plan sponsor, understanding your role as a plan fiduciary and meeting your obligations for plan disclosures and events have never been more important. Find out what you need to know about your responsibilities by clicking on the headers below.

Plan disclosure checklists

It’s your fiduciary responsibility to provide a variety of disclosures and notices to plan participants and their beneficiaries. There are also a number of steps you may need to take to ensure that your plan is in compliance with its written provisions and to reset it for the upcoming plan year.

Download the Plan disclosure checklists for sponsors (PDF).

For additional information, take a look at the U.S. Department of Labor’s Fiduciary Education Campaign.

Investments are not FDIC-insured, nor are they deposits of or guaranteed by a bank or any other entity, so they may lose value.
Investors should carefully consider investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. This and other important information is contained in the fund prospectuses and summary prospectuses, which can be obtained from a financial professional and should be read carefully before investing.
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Effective July 1, 2024, American Funds Distributors, Inc. was renamed Capital Client Group, Inc.
This content, developed by Capital Group, home of American Funds, should not be used as a primary basis for investment decisions and is not intended to serve as impartial investment or fiduciary advice.