
August 5, 2022

Two ways to simplify your retirement plan notice process 

Image shows sample pages of the notice delivery service on the plan sponsor website.

No more endless printing or stuffing envelopes — our notice delivery service makes it easy to deliver disclosure documents and notices to participants and help plan sponsors fulfill their fiduciary responsibilities. And we now offer two service options to choose from.

1.  “Mail notices for me”

If you provide us with a notice and participant list, we can mail the notice for you. Following the formatting guidelines on the sponsor website, you’ll create a notice (up to 50 pages) to inform employees and participants about important plan details, such as investment changes or summary annual reports.

Next, download a template to create a participant list with mailing addresses, then upload, review and submit the notice and list. We’ll mail your notice within 4 business days for a flat fee of $2 per mailed notice. You can check the status of the notice mailing online, as well as a detailed history of past notices.

Plan sponsor contacts with the ability to make updates on the sponsor website can use this service by logging in and going to Administration / Plan Notices. Plan contacts’ access levels can be modified at Administration / Plan Management Portal.

2.  “Create AND deliver notices for me”

Plan notices can be automatically created and delivered using plan and participant information you have already provided. Notice types include participant fee disclosure, qualified default investment alternative, automatic enrollment and safe harbor notices.

Notices can be emailed for free to valid addresses or mailed for a flat fee of $2.50 per mailed notice. However, there is no charge for mailed automatic enrollment notices. Make sure to upload current email and mailing addresses. Notices are posted on the sponsor and participant websites. For more information, view this brochure.

To start this service, contact us at (877) 872-5159.

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