On Labor Day, the New York Stock Exchange and Capital Group’s U.S. offices will be closed.

In observance of the Labor Day federal holiday, the New York Stock Exchange and Capital Group’s U.S. offices will be closed on September 2, 2024.

Effect of fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements on Class R-2E share returns

The table below shows R-2E share returns with and without fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements. Funds and share class shown reflect a more than 10 basis point expense waiver and/or reimbursement on an annualized basis. To get each fund’s expense ratio, and its yield and returns for other periods not shown that reflect the fee waiver and/or expense reimbursements, visit the fund details page for each fund listed below. You may also read details about how waivers and reimbursements affect the results for each fund.

Figures shown are past results and are not predictive of results in future periods. Funds and share classes shown reflect a more than 10 basis point expense waiver and/or reimbursement on an annualized basis. Current and future results may be lower or higher than those shown. Fund results shown are at net asset value with all distributions reinvested. If a sales charge had been deducted, the results would have been lower. Share prices and returns will vary, so investors may lose money. Investing for short periods makes losses more likely.

You could lose money by investing in the American Funds U.S. Government Money Market Fund. Although the fund seeks to preserve the value of your investment at $1.00 per share, it cannot guarantee it will do so. An investment in the fund is not a bank deposit and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other governmental agency, entity or person. The fund’s sponsor has no legal obligation to provide financial support to the fund, and you should not expect that the sponsor will do so at any time.

Class R-2E shares as of July 31, 2024

Average annual total returns since shares first sold†,‡
Growth funds With waivers and/or reimbursements* Without waivers and/or reimbursements
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