On Labor Day, the New York Stock Exchange and Capital Group’s U.S. offices will be closed.

In observance of the Labor Day federal holiday, the New York Stock Exchange and Capital Group’s U.S. offices will be closed on September 2, 2024.

Class R-6 share dates of first sale and expense adjustments

Class R-6 shares were first offered on May 1, 2009. Class R-6 share returns prior to the date shares first sold are hypothetical. A fund’s hypothetical returns prior to the date of first sale were calculated by adjusting Class A share results without a sales charge for the difference between the Class A share expense ratio and the estimated Class R-6 share expense ratio as of the date of first sale. For American Funds Global Insight Fund and American International Vantage Fund, Class R-6 shares were first offered on November 8, 2019. Class R-6 share results prior to the date of first sale are hypothetical based on the results of the original share class of the fund, adjusted for typical estimated expenses. Please see fund prospectuses for more information about specific expenses.

The table below shows the dates Class R-6 shares first sold and the annual expense adjustments used to calculate hypothetical returns before those dates. The adjustment reflects how many percentage points lower a fund’s estimated Class R-6 share expense ratio was than its Class A share expense ratio. For American Funds Global Insight Fund and American Funds International Vantage Fund, the adjustments reflect how many percentage points higher the fund’s estimated Class R-6 share expense ratio was than the original share class expense ratio of the fund.

Class R-6 shares

Growth Date of first sale Annual expense adjustment
AMCAP Fund® 5/21/02 +0.81%
American Funds® Global Insight Fund 11/08/19 +1.04%
American Funds® International Vantage Fund 11/08/19 +1.12%
EuroPacific Growth Fund® 5/31/02 +0.77%
The Growth Fund of America® 5/21/02 +0.76%
The New Economy Fund® 5/31/02 +0.76%
New Perspective Fund® 5/21/02 +0.80%
New World Fund® 6/7/02 +0.76%
SMALLCAP World Fund® 5/31/02 +0.76%
Growth-and-Income Date of first sale Annual expense adjustment
American Mutual Fund® 5/31/02 +0.85%
Capital World Growth and Income Fund® 6/7/02 +0.81%
Fundamental Investors® 5/21/02 +0.78%
The Investment Company of America® 5/21/02 +0.82%
Washington Mutual Investors Fund℠ 5/31/02 +0.79%
Equity-Income Date of first sale Annual expense adjustment
Capital Income Builder® 5/31/02 +0.83%
The Income Fund of America® 5/31/02 +0.82%
Balanced Date of first sale Annual expense adjustment
American Balanced Fund® 5/21/02 +0.76%
Bond Date of first sale Annual expense adjustment
American Funds Corporate Bond Fund® 7/29/16 +1.29%
American Funds Emerging Markets Bond Fund® 7/29/16 +1.39%
American Funds Inflation Linked Bond Fund® 1/23/15 +1.15%
American Funds® Multi-Sector Income Fund 3/22/19 +0.90%
American High-Income Trust® 6/18/02 +0.80%
The Bond Fund of America® 5/31/02 +0.77%
Capital World Bond Fund® 7/9/02 +0.71%
Intermediate Bond Fund of America® 5/31/02 +0.74%
Short-Term Bond Fund of America® 12/8/06 +0.78%
U.S. Government Securities Fund® 5/31/02 +0.71%
Capital Preservation Date of first sale Annual expense adjustment
American Funds® U.S. Government Money Market Fund 5/1/09 N/A*

This content, developed by Capital Group, home of American Funds, should not be used as a primary basis for investment decisions and is not intended to serve as impartial investment or fiduciary advice.

All Capital Group trademarks mentioned are owned by The Capital Group Companies, Inc., an affiliated company or fund. All other company and product names mentioned are the property of their respective companies.

Use of this website is intended for U.S. residents only.

As of July 1, 2024, American Funds Distributors, Inc. was renamed Capital Client Group, Inc.