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對SVB Financial倒閉事件的看法




  1. 參考指數:美國政府10年期債券指數。截至2023年12月31日。資料來源:彭博
  2. 參考指數:45%彭博美國高收益債券2%發行人上限指數;30%彭博美國企業債券指數;15%摩根大通全球新興市場多元債券指數;8%彭博非機構商業按揭抵押證券(AAA級除外)指數;2%彭博資產抵押證券(AAA級除外)指數 
  3. 碳足跡數據是以加權平均碳強度計算







  • 本文不擬提供投資建議或被視為個人推薦。
  • 投資的價值及來自投資的收入可升亦可跌,閣下可能損失部分或全部原投資額。
  • 過往業績並非將來業績的保證。
  • 若閣下投資的貨幣兌基金相關投資的貨幣呈強勢,閣下的投資將貶值。貨幣對沖試圖限制這一點,但不保證會完全成功對沖。
  • 部分投資組合可投資於金融衍生工具,以作投資用途、進行對沖及/或有效投資組合管理。
  • 與本基金相關的額外風險包括資產抵押證券/按揭抵押證券、債券、交易對手、衍生工具、新興市場、高收益債券、流動性、營運及可持續發展風險。

This communication is intended for the internal and confidential use of the recipient and not for onward transmission to any other third party.

This communication is issued by Capital International Management Company Sàrl (CIMC), unless otherwise stated, which is regulated by the Luxembourg CSSF - Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier. CIMC manages the Luxembourg-based UCITS fund(s), organised as a SICAV, which is a (are) sub-fund(s) of Capital International Fund (CIF).

In Singapore, this communication has been prepared by Capital Group Investment Management Pte. Ltd. (CGIMPL), a member of Capital Group, a company incorporated in Singapore.

This advertisement or publication has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore, or any other regulator.

This communication is of a general nature, and not intended to provide investment, tax or other advice, or to be a solicitation to buy or sell any securities. All information is as at the date indicated and attributed to Capital Group unless otherwise stated. While Capital Group uses reasonable efforts to obtain information from third-party sources that it believes to be accurate, this cannot be guaranteed.

The fund(s) is (are) offered only by Prospectus, together with any locally required offering documentation. In Europe, this is the PRIIPs Key Information Document (KID), in the UK the UCITS Key Investor Information Document (KIID), and in Singapore the Product Highlights Sheet (PHS). These documents are available free of charge and in English at capitalgroup.com, and should be read carefully before investing.

Investors acquire shares of the fund, not the underlying assets.

The material is not intended to be distributed or used by persons in jurisdictions that prohibit its distribution. If you act as representative of a client it is your responsibility to ensure that the offering or sale of fund shares complies with relevant local laws and regulations.

The information in relation to the index is provided for context and illustration only. The fund is actively managed. It is not managed in reference to a benchmark.

For Italy: A full list of Paying Agents and Distributors is located on the website stated.

For Singapore: CGIMPL is the appointed Singapore Representative of the Fund.

For Spain: A list of distributors is located at CNMV.es. CIF is registered with the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (‘CNMV’) under the number 983.

For Switzerland: The Representative in Switzerland: Capital International Sàrl, 3 place des Bergues, 1201 Genève. Paying agent in Switzerland for CIF: JPMorgan (Suisse) SA, 8 rue de la Confédération, 1204 Genève.

For UK: Compensation will not be available under the UK Financial Services Compensation Scheme.

The list of countries where the Fund is registered for distribution can be obtained at all times from CIMC or online at http://www.capitalgroup.com

In Europe, facilities to investors (tasks according to Article 92 of the Directive 2019/1160, points b) to f)), are available at www.capitalgroup.com/individual-investors/lu/en/contact-us.html

For European investors, a summary of Fund Shareholder Rights is available at www.capitalgroup.com/eacg/entry-page/shared/summary-of-investor-rights.html

CIMC may decide to terminate its arrangements for marketing any or all of the sub-funds of Capital International Fund in any EEA country or in any other jurisdictions where such sub-fund(s) is/are registered for sale at any time, in which case it will do so in accordance with the relevant UCITS rules.

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