
What is malware? 

Malware is malicious software installed on your computer, smartphone and other devices without authorization. Malware typically collects information about you — the passwords you use or the websites you visit — simply by noting what you type and where you surf online. Malware may also send emails you didn’t write or spread computer viruses.

Malware is usually installed through:

  • Links in phishing emails
  • Websites that attack computers with out-of-date operating systems or antivirus software
  • Links in pop-up ads
  • Shareware and other downloadable software
  • Deceptive security software offers or fake antivirus programs

Your computer may have malware if it:

  • Operates slowly
  • Is inundated by pop-ups
  • Redirects you to URLs different from those entered
  • Includes unknown toolbars and icons
  • Displays unusual error messages

If you suspect your computer has been infected with malware, take the necessary steps to remove the unwanted software from your computer.

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