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Optional Headline

Flexible container content with optional background fill (recommended grey or any primary color) or white background with default drop shadow. 

An eyebrow is optional, depending on content. A headline is optional, but if used, should be sized at H3/H4 (in Regular or Demi font weight). Body content text is required 


Flexible container content with optional background fill (recommended grey or any primary color) or white background with default drop shadow. 


An eyebrow is optional, depending on content. A headline is optional, but if used, should be sized at H3/H4 (in Regular or Demi font weight). Body content text is required 

Optional headline placement

Flexible container content with optional background fill (recommended grey or any primary color) or white background with default drop shadow.

An eyebrow is optional, depending on content. A headline is optional, but if used, should be sized at H3/H4 (in Regular or Demi font weight).

Body content text is required - recommended size is Paragraph - Body Text 1; if only using body content text, H4 can also be used as the primary size. A CTA (primary button) or link (secondary CTA or inline link) for this container is also optional.