Client Acquisition

Video: How to reach high net worth prospects on LinkedIn


As a financial professional, much of your career is built on people skills. You may be great at networking, well-known in local markets, and at your best when face-to-face with clients and prospective investors. Increasingly, however, it’s just as important to excel at those skills on a digital level. Today, you are expected to service clients in the digital space, and you must meet them there as well. 


One easy tool to explore digital branding, referrals and prospecting is LinkedIn. High net worth individuals are more highly engaged than average users of the social media platform — they boast two times the connections, are 102% more likely to share information, and are 84% more reachable via the InMail messaging system. Yet, more than two-thirds of the high net worth individuals on LinkedIn are still not connected to a financial advisor or wealth manager*.


“In an environment where it’s getting harder to acquire new clients and assets, many advisors are attributing business growth to activity on social media,” says Kris DeBonville, a wealth management consultant with Capital Group. 


Of course, how you use the platform will depend on your firm’s compliance department and its guidelines on using social media. Before taking any steps, you should verify that these actions fall under the rules of your organization. 


Here are three ways to master LinkedIn to maximize your personal profile, identify new prospects and extend your current book of business by connecting to the next generation of clients. 

Leveraging LinkedIn to Find and Engage High Net Worth Individuals




Josie Gaba, Customer Success Manager with LinkedIn


Kris DeBonville, Regional VP and Wholesaler with Capital Group

Josie Gaba: Hello everyone. I’m Josie Gaba, customer success manager with LinkedIn.


Today we’re going to talk about how financial professionals can leverage LinkedIn to find and engage high net worth individuals.


You may be familiar with LinkedIn; you may even use it to stay connected to friends and colleagues. But did you know that high net worth individuals are more highly engaged on the platform than the average user?


High net worth individuals have two times the connections and are more reachable through InMail – they check messages 84% more often than the average user.


Despite this active engagement, 71% of high net worth individuals on LinkedIn are not yet connected to a financial advisor or wealth manager.


We think this represents an untapped opportunity for financial professionals.


Joining me today is Kris DeBonville, regional vice president and wholesaler with Capital Group, home of American Funds. He’s going to show financial professionals like you how to maximize your efforts on LinkedIn and use it to build relationships with the people you seek.


Take it away, Kris.


Kris DeBonville: As Josie mentioned, my name is Kris DeBonville. I’m a regional vice president wholesaler for Capital Group|American Funds in Massachusetts and Rhode Island.


And today I wanted to share a few examples of how advisors can utilize the free version of LinkedIn to help build their businesses.


The most important thing to note before we get started is that all broker-dealers have different rules and restrictions, so please consult your compliance department with any specific questions.


Now, before you start using LinkedIn, I think it’s important to make sure you have your profile set up, including both a profile and banner photo as you can see in both photos here. Try to use a professional photo if possible. And make sure you are the only one in the photo. I’ve seen a few examples of advisors using either a family photo or a team photo, but use one that is just you. This is your personal page, and many people may look to your LinkedIn to try to see what you look like prior to a meeting.


Also make sure you have your name, your title and, as you can see here in “About,” this is your summary. The summary should be a quick, concise biography of who you are and what you do. Now the one thing I know about the summary is that I do believe that it should be written in first person. 


Oftentimes, I see an advisor copy and paste their biography from their website, which is often written in third person. So if it is, just copy it over and then retype it, or just change it so it’s written in first person. 


Once you have your profile set up, that’s when you can start connecting with friends, family, relatives, clients, prospects and centers of influence. Once you start to build your network, that’s when you can start utilizing it to help build your business.


Once you've completed your profile, you can start using LinkedIn to generate new introductions, identify prospects and connect to the next generation. 


The first example of the way you can use LinkedIn to grow your business is by creating more introductions from your current client base and centers of influence. For this example, I'm going to use one of my colleagues, Holly. 


Holly is an employee of Capital Group working in LA. If Holly was a client of mine, and I was a financial advisor, I'm sure I'd ask Holly for an introduction to maybe one or two of her colleagues as a referral. The problem is, Holly might not know who I want to meet as a potential referral.


Here’s what LinkedIn allows you to do: You'll see that I'm already connected with Holly, noted by the “1st” next to her name. That means we're first-degree connections. 


Underneath the ”1st,” you'll see 500-plus connections. If I click on that, this will give me a list of all of the people that Holly is connected to. 


Now, over 300 people is too many for me to go through and try to identify the next best prospect. But I'm looking for someone specific: current employees or colleagues of Holly's that work at Capital Group. Along the top, you'll see these filters. I'm going to click on “Current companies” and type in “Capital Group.” 


And you'll see that this reduces the number of search results down to 46. Forty-six is a much more manageable number when trying to identify an introduction or a referral. 


For this example, I'm going to use Griffin. When I click on his profile, I will get a notification that I viewed his profile. Now, this is OK, because Griffin can see that we have a common connection in Holly. So, I don't see any issue with viewing somebody's profile and them seeing that I viewed them. 


One way to prevent multiple notifications if you're trying to gather information about that person is to utilize a feature in the “More” menu. You'll see to the right of Griffin's picture: “Connect,” “View in Sales Navigator,” and the word “More.” 


If I click on “More,” you'll see a drop-down menu with an option to save to PDF. 


What this does is create a resume version of Griffin's LinkedIn profile that I can save to my computer or simply print out and put into my client's folder. So that way, when we have our face-to-face meeting, I've got maybe two or three of these resumes already printed, and I can ask Holly for the introduction to these three, specific people. 


Not “who do you know?” but, more importantly, “how do you know?” becomes the conversation. Utilizing the ability to go through somebody's connections and identifying the next best prospect or introduction can be a very efficient way to ask for those referrals utilizing LinkedIn to identify them.


The second idea that I'd like to share is how to identify the next best prospect. 


So, starting on the homepage of LinkedIn, I'm going to use the search bar on the top left-hand corner, and I'll type in the word: “owner.” What we're going to focus on here are business owners. 


Here, you can see that there are actually 20 million search results that are coming up when I type in the word “owner.” And that is obviously far too many results to scroll through. 


So, along the top, we'll go back to the filters. This time, I'm going to scroll all the way to the right and click “All Filters.” You'll see here there are a lot more fields that I can choose from. 


The first one I'm going to highlight is connections, and I'm going to click ”2nd.” Second means the results will show people that I've at least one common connection with. Secondly, under locations, I want to search the Greater Boston area, where I'm physically located. In the title field, I'll type in: “Owner.” And in industry, we're going to go into: “Medical Practice.” 


So instead of 20 million search results, I now have 104 people that are listed as the owner of a medical service company, that I have at least one common connection to, that are in the Greater Boston area. This becomes your prospecting list. 


Now, you can approach this in any number of ways. You can reach out to your common connection and ask for the introduction. Or simply send them a connection request with an explanation:


Mr. or Mrs. Client or Prospects, "I'm reaching out because I work specifically with business owners to X, Y, and Z," whatever your value proposition is. 


You can also save the search and create a search alert. What will that do? Any time somebody new hits or fits this criteria, you will get an email alert that there's somebody new that matches that criteria for medical service owner in the Greater Boston area that you have at least one common connection to them, so that you can keep up on all the additional prospects that may come into your LinkedIn network. 


The last thing that I'd like to share is a premium version called Sales Navigator. Sales Navigator is a tool that was designed to help salespeople identify and track leads. 


Now, you'll notice in the top right-hand corner of my page here, this is still the free version of LinkedIn. You'll see this compass icon with the word “Sales Nav” underneath it. 


If you're not currently subscribed to a premium service, this probably says something like, “Try premium for free.” 


When I click on “Sales Nav,” it'll bring me to a completely different interface. This interface is designed to help you identify those leads, not see posts and post content yourself like the regular interface does. 


Once I'm in Sales Navigator, I'm going to pull up Holly, the example that we used in the first example on how to identify introductions. 


When I look at Holly's profile through Sales Navigator, you'll see it looks a lot different. 


But if I click on her 500-plus connections, I'm again brought to a list of her connections. But what Sales Navigator does is it starts to give you some predesigned filters along the top. You'll see 17 have changed jobs in the past 90 days, 243 have posted on LinkedIn in the past 30 days, etc. 


Along the left-hand side, you'll see all the different filters that you can use to drill down this list in a much more detailed way than you could with the free version of LinkedIn. 


One thing that you can screen for that's not available in the free version are rollover opportunities. 


So, if I click on “All Filters” on the left-hand side, what I'm going to do is I'm going to look at years at current company less than one year. 


I also want to look at years of experience: more than 10 years. 


What this is going to do is give me a filter within Holly's network that shows me the 42 people that have more than 10 years’ industry experience, but who have changed the company they've worked for in the last year. Obviously, this becomes a great source of rollover opportunity to ask Holly for the introduction to. 


Now, a second way to use the Sales Navigator is again like we did in the free version: to generate a list of prospects. Now you may remember that we generated a list of business owners in the Greater Boston area that I had at least a common connection to. We're going to do a search for our business owners again, but a little bit differently. 


Along the top, you'll see the search bar and, to the right of that, you'll see: “All Filters.” If I click “All Filters,” it'll give me the opportunity to look for “Leads” or “Accounts.” Leads are individuals; accounts are companies. We want to find individuals, so we'll click the “Leads” filter. 


The first thing I want to look at – instead of looking at the Greater Boston area – is a specific ZIP code. So, we will go 25 miles from my home. 


Seniority level: We want to look for owners. Years at current company: We want established companies, not ones that have just started off. So, we're going to go with “6 to 10 years” and “more than 10 years.” 


And we're also going to look at company and type, and we want to look at privately held companies, not publicly traded companies. 


And then, lastly, we'll go to Industry, like we did before, and look at “Medical practices.”


This list of 26 business owners of medical practices within 25 miles of my office that have been in existence for over six years becomes that prospecting list. 


You'll also notice that next to some of these names shows “3rd” degree. I did not focus on people I only have a common connection to because Sales Navigator gives you the detailed information of even those third-degree connections – where there are two degrees of separation between you and that person. I do think that this is an opportunity to reach out to those folks and represent yourself as a financial advisor who works with that demographic. 


You can do a list of business owners, C-suite executives. You can do a list of just rollover opportunities. There are endless combinations of lists you can run to help you identify a list of prospects. 


Lastly, again, if you are looking to develop a strategy for connecting to the next generation, you can do that through Sales Navigator as well by connecting to those folks and seeing more detailed information – even if they're a third-degree connection. Through Sales Navigator, you can see a lot more information about those beneficiaries of your best clients, as opposed to doing it through the free version. 


Now, we've shared a lot of information today. What I hope is that you've taken one or two ideas away from this to help you grow your practice in an environment where it's getting harder and harder to acquire new clients and new assets. 


I want to end by thanking each and every one of you for your time in watching this video, but also for your continued support of Capital Group|American Funds. Please let me know how we can help. And I hope you all stay safe, stay healthy. Take care.

1. Maximize your professional profile


A LinkedIn page may look and feel like other types of social media sites, but its purpose is very different. How you are represented can impact the centers of influence you attract. It helps to think of the platform primarily as a branding tool for yourself and your business. Here are a few ways to put your most professional foot forward:


  • Photos. If you are looking to prospect on LinkedIn, you should have a profile photo and a cover photo on your profile page. The cover may be generic — summer at the Cape, the slopes in Aspen — or include specific signage, branding or images of significance. Because this is a professional page, avoid photos of family and friends.
  • Profile name. Your user profile name on LinkedIn should be the same name used on all of your professional communications, including your business card, email and website bio. If you go by a nickname or name different from your birth name, use that. “I once ran into an advisor who used the name Seamus, but his legal name was James,” DeBonville says. “He had the name James on his LinkedIn profile, but clients weren’t finding him, because they were looking for Seamus.”
  • Title. Advisors use a variety of terms to describe themselves: CFP practitioner, private wealth manager, retirement specialist and so on. The problem is, someone searching for financial advice may not understand what a vice president of financial services does. “Whatever you call yourself,” DeBonville says, “if you are registered as an investment advisor, your profile should include the term ‘financial advisor.’” Note, however, that use of the term must comply with the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Regulation Best Interest.
  • Credentials. Licenses, designations, skills and education are crucial elements to include on your profile page. They tell your story, and they also tend to attract the eyes of investors. You can also use the platform’s tools to get specific about personal interests, alumni organizations and affinity groups, which can help you create your own unique centers of influence.
  • Bio. If you think of LinkedIn as a digital calling card, it makes sense that your profile would provide as much information as possible. A bio or “about me” is essential, but you don’t need to overthink it. Keep it short and sweet, written in first person. This is also a great spot to include any disclosures required by your firm.

Another important tip: Try to limit connections to other financial advisors. While LinkedIn may seem like a great place to share professional ideas and keep up with peers, it’s also a great place for others in your network to see your connections. In some cases, users may even be able to see full contact information and can treat your connections like their own digital Rolodex. To be sure, this is exactly what the platform is designed for, but it’s a reminder to use discretion when building your own network on the site. 

2. Identify new business prospects


There are a few ways to search for potential client acquisitions on LinkedIn. Connecting with existing clients on the platform and asking for introductions is one of the most powerful strategies, but how you do this is important. More than seven out of 10 high net worth investors say they become uncomfortable when asked for general referrals. On the other hand, a similar percentage of investors say they are more than happy to introduce you to specific people they know if asked**. The distinction may seem minor, but asking “who do you know?” means the investor has to figure out which introductions would be best. 

This is where the social network can help. The connections feature allows you to view a client’s connections and use filters to identify the types of candidates you want to find. Once you have a specific person in mind, it’s much easier to ask for an introduction. Here’s how:

  • Hone your search. Say you have a favorite client — the kind you wish they all were like. You can search within that client’s network for similar characteristics. For example, you can search for the client’s company to see coworkers who may have similar profiles. You can then filter by location and only see people in your geographic area. This will give you a smaller number of potential profiles to view and consider.
  • Export and save potential client profiles. If you select “More” to the right of a person’s profile photo, you can click “Save to PDF.” This extracts all of the information from that person’s profile, which you can download and save. This creates a resource you can pull from the next time you meet with your client. You can say: “I saw a few people I’d like to meet. How do you know this person, and can you connect me? Can I mention that you and I have worked together in the past?” With a few simple searches, you are now hand-picking referrals rather than asking. 
  • Generate targeted lists. Once you become familiar with using filters, you can create lists according to the criteria that you choose. For example, if you believe targeting business owners in this environment may be a great opportunity, you can search by the term “owner.” But that type of term may give you too many results. To drill down further, the “All Filters” screen will allow you to customize in many different ways:
    • Focus on second-degree connections — people you don’t know but who are connected to your first-degree connections. 
    • Pay attention to location. You can search for people in your greater region or local neighborhood. 
    • Find your niche. If you have experience working in a certain industry or a certain type of profession, you can search using those filters as well. You can even search within this search to find further affinities, like an alma mater or common interest, within a group. The best part is, once you set these filters, you can get LinkedIn to send you an email when it finds new people that meet your criteria. 


Build a better client list 


A variety of filters let searchers on LinkedIn get very specific. 

For those who use LinkedIn regularly, the Sales Navigator tool can be a powerful addition. Users pay a fee for access, but it can allow you to filter even further and see information on third-degree connections. 


“You can utilize sales navigator doing the same things as the free version, but it will give you much more information and may open the door to other connections,” DeBonville says. 

3. Make next-generation connections


Many financial professionals will respond to this tutorial with a shrug, saying, “My best clients are too old for social media. They aren’t on LinkedIn.” While that may be true, the people most important to that client — a spouse and children — could be very active on the network. You can use LinkedIn to create or deepen relationships with those people as well. 


“It’s very natural to connect to a client’s friends and family members as a way to expand your network,” DeBonville says. But you can also use those connections to expand centers of influence within your current book of business. 


Here is language you can use: “I’d like to connect with X on LinkedIn, if you don’t mind. LinkedIn is like Facebook for business networking, and I want to connect so they recognize me. If something happens to you, I want them to be aware of our relationship. I will let them know we work together but won’t disclose any details. They can utilize me as a resource, even if they aren’t a client.” This helps you build a network of the next generation in a noninvasive way. 


To get results, perhaps the most important tip is to make LinkedIn a habit. “Some advisors say, ‘This sounds great, maybe I’ll try it.’ Then they try it a little and give up, because it doesn’t yield results,” DeBonville says. Think of it like a diet: If you don’t do it consistently, it won’t work. To get the desired results, try to block a half hour to an hour every week to commit to your LinkedIn prospecting. 


Kris DeBonville is a wealth management consultant at Capital Group, home of American Funds, covering Western Massachusetts, Cape Cod and Rhode Island. He has 15 years of industry experience and has been with Capital Group for three years. Prior to joining Capital, Kris worked as a wholesaler at Putnam Investments in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. He holds a bachelor's degree in marketing and management from the University of Massachusetts Lowell. Kris is based in Pelham, New Hampshire.


Josie Gaba is a customer success manager with LinkedIn Sales Solutions.  In her role, Josie works closely with clients to identify the solutions that can help them achieve their business goals through building meaningful relationships with customers and prospects.

* LinkedIn 2020. High net worth individuals are defined as Chief Executive/Partner/Owner level in companies with 200+ employees, and VP+ level in companies with 1,000+ employees, except in the finance industry, where VP titles are excluded. They are compared to the average LinkedIn U.S. user.

**Oechsli Institute, “Best Practices of Today’s Elite Advisors,” 2019

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