RecordkeeperDirect is a high-quality program that:
Our strategic approach to plan pricing is designed to be low-cost and to provide better overall value.
A closer look at RecordkeeperDirect’s pricing
Step 1: Determine the annual recordkeeping fees based on plan assets and share class.
Step 2: Choose a share class to determine if the level of compensation meets the plan’s service requirements.
Start with the target date fund provider recommended most often by financial professionals.** Then distinguish yourself by offering a comprehensive selection of the American Funds.
American Funds Target Date Retirement Series®
From the target date fund provider recommended most often by financial professionals**
The American Funds mutual fund family
Offers a wide range of more than 40 funds.
Learn more about our target date series and individual mutual funds:
The American Funds Target Date Retirement Series and other highly regarded American Funds are also available on many other DC platforms‡‡.
†† Not all of the American Funds are available in our retirement plan solutions.
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* In addition to the recordkeeping fees shown and depending on the share class selected, the recordkeeper receives subtransfer agency payments from the investment options held by the plan: 0.35% for R-2, 0.15% for R-3, 0.10% for R-4, 0.15% for R-5E and none for R-6. This amount includes any investment option payments to the TPA shown in the compensation table. There is a one-time RecordkeeperDirect plan installation fee of $500 for startup plans; waived for R-2 only if plan assets reach $100,000 as of the last day of the plan’s first recordkeeping quarter. No charge for takeover plans. The $20 per-participant fee will be deducted from participant accounts.
† Average expense ratios shown are provided only as examples. The actual average expense ratio depends on the investments selected for the plan and participant allocations. Expense ratios reflect applicable fee waivers and expense reimbursements, without which expenses would be higher.
‡ The average expense ratio shown for each RecordkeeperDirect share class is for all funded investments and is weighted, based on average daily net assets in the program as of 12/31/2022. Accordingly, more weight is given to funds with more assets. Actual expense ratios, as reported in each fund’s prospectus available at the time of publication, range from 1.19% to 1.86% for R-2; 0.85% to 1.41% for R-3; 0.55% to 1.11% for R-4; 0.34% to 0.82% for R-5E; and 0.20% to 0.77% for R-6.
** Source: Escalent, Cogent Syndicated, Retirement Plan Advisor TrendsTM, September 2022. Methodology: 538 respondents participated in a web survey conducted August 19-30, 2022. American Funds was selected most often by advisors (excluding registered investment advisors) in response to the question “Which investment manager do you recommend most often for target date funds?“ Capital Group has provided input on some of the questions to be included in Cogent surveys over time.