Preparing for CollegeAmerica® distributions

Logo. CollegeAmerica is a nationwide plan sponsored by Commonwealth Savers

Get answers to clients’ most common questions about CollegeAmerica distributions and review options for taking distributions.

Distribution options

Process a distribution online

Most CollegeAmerica distributions to the owner, school or beneficiary can be processed online.

Log in to Client Accounts.

Process a distribution by mail

For distributions that require a signature guarantee, complete this form and submit it by mail.

Complete the CollegeAmerica Distribution Request.

Link bank account for future distributions

To link the owner’s or beneficiary’s bank account for future distributions, complete this form.

Complete the Add/Update Bank Information form.

Explore more on managing CollegeAmerica accounts during tuition season

Contact us

Have questions or need additional support?
Contact us 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday.

For financial professionals only. Not for use with the public.

All Capital Group trademarks mentioned are owned by The Capital Group Companies, Inc., an affiliated company or fund. All other company and product names mentioned are the property of their respective companies.

Use of this website is intended for U.S. residents only.

The guidelines and procedures provided in the Account Resource Center may not apply to networked accounts or accounts not directly held by American Funds. The guidelines and procedures provided also apply only to those retirement accounts or Coverdell ESAs invested in American Funds with Capital Bank and Trust Company (CB&T) as custodian. The guidelines and procedures provided in the Account Resource Center do not apply to plans held in our retirement plan solutions — PlanPremier, PlanPremier-TPA or RecordkeeperDirect. Information on the Account Resource Center may change periodically, and previously printed information may not be current. Please refer to for the most current information available.

Financial professionals should always contact their back office to determine if there are any restrictions on the use of American Funds products, tools, services, websites and literature.