Purchase Restrictions: Class F-3 shares are available through certain registered investment advisor and fee-based programs, but are not available for purchase in most employer-sponsored retirement plans. See the prospectus for details.

Notice: Effective January 1, 2025, the fund's benchmark will be 50% J.P. Morgan GBI-EM Global Diversified Index / 30% J.P. Morgan EMBI-Global Diversified Index / 20% J.P. Morgan CEMBI-Broad Diversified Index (50% EM local currency / 30% EM hard currency sovereign / 20% EM hard currency corporate)


A differentiated approach to emerging markets debt. Invests in both sovereign and corporate bonds, denominated in either U.S. dollar or local currency issues, which may serve as a source of favorable returns and potential diversification. As pioneers in emerging markets investing, this strategy leverages our 20-year track record of managing emerging markets bond portfolios.

Price at NAV $7.64 as of 03/28/2025 (updated daily)
Expense Ratio1 0.54% Quarterly Fund Fact Sheet (PDF) Prospectus (PDF)

Read important investment disclosures

1-year return
5-year return
Lifetime return (04/22/2016)
30-day SEC Yield Fund at NAV

Returns as of 02/28/2025 (updated monthly) . Yield as of 02/28/2025 (updated monthly).

Read important investment disclosures

1-year return
5-year return
Lifetime return (04/22/2016)
30-day SEC Yield Fund at NAV

Returns as of 02/28/2025 (updated monthly) . Yield as of 02/28/2025 (updated monthly).

Asset Mix

0.0% U.S. Equities
0.1% Non-U.S. Equities
2.6% U.S. Bonds
89.7% Non-U.S. Bonds
7.6% Cash & Equivalents3

As of 02/28/2025 (updated monthly).

Volatility & Return

Read important investment disclosures

Volatility & Return chart is not available for funds less than 10 years old.

Fund Statistics

5.9 years
Effective Duration
Average Yield
to Worst
Average Yield
to Maturity
Average Coupon

% of net assets as of 02/28/2025 (updated monthly).

Morningstar Style BoxTM ‒ Fixed-Income5

Medium Quality

Moderate Interest-Rate Sensitivity

Morningstar data as of 12/31/24 (updated quarterly)



The fund's investment objective is to provide a high level of total return over the long term, of which current income is a large component.

Distinguishing Characteristics

This strategy takes a differentiated approach by investing in the full universe of emerging markets debt. It invests in both sovereign and corporate bonds, denominated in either U.S. dollar or local currency issues, which may serve as a source of favorable returns and potential diversification. As pioneers in emerging markets investing, this strategy leverages our 20-year track record of managing emerging markets bond portfolios.

Types of Investments

Government debt (nominal and inflation-linked), quasi-sovereigns and corporate bonds — including U.S. dollar-denominated and local-currency issues.

Holdings Outside the U.S.

Up to 100% of assets may be invested in securities denominated in currencies other than the U.S. dollar, mostly fixed-income securities of emerging markets governments, quasi-government entities and corporations.


The bond maturities that the fund targets will vary depending on the current strategy being implemented.

Portfolio Restrictions

The fund generally invests at least 80% of its assets in bonds and other debt securities from emerging markets issuers (some of which may be represented by derivatives). The fund may invest in securities rated below-investment grade (BB/Ba and below), or unrated, but determined by the fund’s investment adviser to be of equivalent quality at the time of purchase, including high-yield bonds issued by developing country governments and corporates.

Fund Facts

Fund Inception04/22/2016

Fund Assets (millions) $2,890.6 As of 02/28/2025 (updated monthly).

Companies/Issuers173+Holdings as of 02/28/2025 (updated monthly).

Regular Dividends Paid6--Monthly

Minimum Initial Investment$250

Capital Gains Paid6--Jun, Dec

Portfolio Turnover (2024)43%

Fiscal Year-EndDec

Prospectus Date03/01/2025

CUSIP02631F 77 8

Fund Number37114


No data is available at this time.


Read important investment disclosures

Distribution Rates 8

30-day SEC Yield
Fund at NAV 7.59% 7.80%

As of 02/28/2025 (updated monthly).


Cash Flow
Fund N/A N/A N/A
J.P. Morgan Index Blend - 50% JPM EMBI Global Diversified & 50% JPM GBI-EM Global Diversified N/A N/A N/A

Fund as of . Index as of .


Portfolio Management 9

Years of Experience with Fund
Years of Experience with Capital Group
Years of Experience with Investment Industry
Kirstie Spence 29 29 9
Luis Freitas de Oliveira 36 31 6
Robert Burgess 35 9 2

A boldface number indicates that years of experience with Capital Group is equal to years of experience with investment industry.

Ratings & Risk

Morningstar RatingTM10

Overall Morningstar RatingTMFunds rated (221)
3-yr. Morningstar RatingTM(221 funds rated)
5-yr. Morningstar RatingTM(208 funds rated)
10-yr. Morningstar RatingTM(-- funds rated) --
Overall Morningstar Risk Average
Category Emerging Markets Bond

Ratings are based on risk-adjusted returns as of 02/28/2025 (updated monthly).

Risk Measures

For the 5 Years ending 02/28/25 (updated monthly).

Standard Deviation4 12.10
Sharpe Ratio4 -0.02

American Funds Benchmark11 As of 02/28/25 (updated quarterly) J.P. Morgan Index Blend - 50% JPM EMBI Global Diversified & 50% JPM GBI-EM Global Diversified Morningstar Benchmark4 As of 02/28/25 (updated quarterly) Bloomberg US Agg Bond TR USD
R-squared 93 43
Beta 1.01 1.24
Capture Ratio (Downside/Upside) 102/110 125/155


Bonds Breakdown

Bond Details


Total bond holdings

% of net assets as of 12/31/2024 (updated quarterly).

Top Fixed-Income Issuers12

Brazil, Federal Government of 7.1%
Mexico (United Mexican States) (Government) 7.1%
Indonesia, Government of the Republic of 6.9%
South Africa, Republic of 6.0%
Malaysia, Government of 4.4%
Poland, Republic of 4.3%
Colombia, Republic of 3.1%
Romania (Republic of) 2.9%
Turkey, Republic of 2.9%
U.S. Treasury 2.7%

% of net assets as of 12/31/2024 (updated quarterly).

Quarterly Holdings

Holdings Search

Geographic Breakdown

Prices & Distributions

2016 - 2025


Historical Distributions

as of 03/27/25

Pay Date Income Dividend Regular Income Dividend Special Cap. Gains
Cap. Gains
Reinvest NAV
01/31/25 01/31/25 -- $0.04809558 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7.62
02/28/25 02/28/25 -- $0.04505417 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7.65
2025 Year-to-Date: Dividends Subtotal: $0.09314975 Cap Gains Subtotal: $0.00
Total Distributions: $0.09314975

Fees & Expenses


Annual Management Fees 0.46%
Other Expenses 0.08%
Service 12b-1 --

As of each fund’s most recent prospectus

Expense Ratio

EBNGX1   0.54%
Lipper Emerging Mrkts Hard Currency Debt Funds Average13   0.77% 0.77%

Fund as of most recent prospectus. Lipper Category as of 12/31/2024 (updated quarterly).


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  "currentDate": "2025-03-28T13:29:56.390Z",
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  "fund": {
    "id": 114,
    "name": "American Funds Emerging Markets Bond Fund®",
    "activeFlag": true,
    "family": {
      "id": 5,
      "code": "BOND",
      "name": "BOND FUNDS",
      "desc": "Bond Funds",
      "displayOrder": 5,
      "category": "B",
      "growth": false,
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    "abbrev": "EMBF",
    "displayOrder": 204,
    "fiscalYearEnd": "December",
    "primaryBenchmark": {
      "id": 80008,
      "code": " ",
      "name": "50% JPM EMBI GDiv/50% JPM GBI-EM Gdiv",
      "desc": "J.P. Morgan Index Blend - 50% JPM EMBI Global Diversified & 50% JPM GBI-EM Global Diversified",
      "definition": "The J.P. Morgan Index Blend - 50% J.P. Morgan EMBI Global Diversified & 50% J.P. Morgan GBI-EM Global Diversified tracks the universe of regularly traded, liquid, and fixed-rate local and external sovereign debt issued by emerging markets. 50% of the index covers USD-denominated emerging markets sovereign bonds and remaining 50% has exposure to local government bonds issued by EM countries except India and China, which have capital controls. This index is unmanaged, and its results include reinvested dividends and/or distributions but do not reflect the effect of account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes.",
      "morningStarFundId": null,
      "fundStationNumber": 9021,
      "lipperNumber": null,
      "dataSource": "Morningstar",
      "returns": [
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            "calculation": "CUM_INDEX"
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          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28",
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          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28",
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            "timeline": "YEAR_01",
            "calculation": "CUM_INDEX"
          "frequency": "MONTHLY"
          "id": 3648559,
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          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28",
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          "frequency": "MONTHLY"
          "id": 3648560,
          "rate": 0.71,
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28",
          "returnType": {
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            "calculation": "CUM_INDEX"
          "frequency": "MONTHLY"
          "id": 3648561,
          "rate": 0.84,
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28",
          "returnType": {
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            "timeline": "MONTH_06",
            "calculation": "CUM_INDEX"
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          "returnType": {
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          "frequency": "QUARTERLY"
          "id": 3623861,
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          "id": 3623862,
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          "frequency": "QUARTERLY"
          "id": 3623863,
          "rate": -0.84,
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          "frequency": "QUARTERLY"
      "holdings": {
        "sectorBreakdown": [],
        "countryDomicile": [],
        "countryDomicileEquity": [],
        "countryDomicileRevenue": []
      "stats": null,
      "riskFactor": {
        "id": 80008,
        "standardDeviation": {
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28",
          "year03": 10.15,
          "year05": 11.22,
          "year10": 9.61
      "showStandardDeviation": true,
      "showPriceEarningRatio": true,
      "showPriceCashRatio": true,
      "showPriceBookRatio": true,
      "showWeightedMarketCap": true
    "benchmarks": [
        "id": 100016,
        "code": " ",
        "name": "JP Morgan GBI-EM Global Diversified",
        "desc": "J.P. Morgan Government Bond Index - Emerging Markets (GBI-EM) Global Diversified",
        "definition": "The J.P. Morgan Government Bond Index - Emerging Markets (GBI-EM) Global Diversified covers the universe of regularly traded, liquid fixed-rate, domestic currency emerging market government bonds to which international investors can gain exposure.  This index is unmanaged, and its results include reinvested dividends and/or distributions but do not reflect the effect of account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes.",
        "morningStarFundId": null,
        "fundStationNumber": null,
        "lipperNumber": null,
        "dataSource": null,
        "returns": [
            "id": 3648582,
            "rate": 8.37,
            "asOfDate": "2025-02-28",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 23010,
              "code": "c_b_10yr",
              "name": "cum_bench_10yr",
              "timeline": "YEAR_10",
              "calculation": "CUM_INDEX"
            "frequency": "MONTHLY"
            "id": 3648583,
            "rate": 20.5,
            "asOfDate": "2025-02-28",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 23015,
              "code": "c_b_15yr",
              "name": "cum_bench_15yr",
              "timeline": "YEAR_15",
              "calculation": "CUM_INDEX"
            "frequency": "MONTHLY"
            "id": 3648584,
            "rate": 0.66,
            "asOfDate": "2025-02-28",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 23101,
              "code": "c_b_1mon",
              "name": "cum_bench_1mon",
              "timeline": "MONTH_01",
              "calculation": "CUM_INDEX"
            "frequency": "MONTHLY"
            "id": 3648585,
            "rate": 2.41,
            "asOfDate": "2025-02-28",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 23001,
              "code": "c_b_1yr",
              "name": "cum_bench_1yr",
              "timeline": "YEAR_01",
              "calculation": "CUM_INDEX"
            "frequency": "MONTHLY"
            "id": 3648586,
            "rate": 97.04,
            "asOfDate": "2025-02-28",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 23020,
              "code": "c_b_20yr",
              "name": "cum_bench_20yr",
              "timeline": "YEAR_20",
              "calculation": "CUM_INDEX"
            "frequency": "MONTHLY"
            "id": 3648587,
            "rate": 0.74,
            "asOfDate": "2025-02-28",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 23103,
              "code": "c_b_3mon",
              "name": "cum_bench_3mon",
              "timeline": "MONTH_03",
              "calculation": "CUM_INDEX"
            "frequency": "MONTHLY"
            "id": 3648588,
            "rate": -1.91,
            "asOfDate": "2025-02-28",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 23005,
              "code": "c_b_5yr",
              "name": "cum_bench_5yr",
              "timeline": "YEAR_05",
              "calculation": "CUM_INDEX"
            "frequency": "MONTHLY"
            "id": 3648589,
            "rate": -1.21,
            "asOfDate": "2025-02-28",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 23106,
              "code": "c_b_6mon",
              "name": "cum_bench_6mon",
              "timeline": "MONTH_06",
              "calculation": "CUM_INDEX"
            "frequency": "MONTHLY"
            "id": 3648590,
            "rate": 5.07,
            "asOfDate": "2025-02-28",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 23003,
              "code": "c_b_3yr",
              "name": "cum_bench_3yr",
              "timeline": "YEAR_03",
              "calculation": "CUM_INDEX"
            "frequency": "MONTHLY"
            "id": 3648591,
            "rate": 2.72,
            "asOfDate": "2025-02-28",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 23000,
              "code": "c_b_ytd",
              "name": "cum_bench_ytd",
              "timeline": "YTD",
              "calculation": "CUM_INDEX"
            "frequency": "MONTHLY"
            "id": 3648592,
            "rate": 0.81,
            "asOfDate": "2025-02-28",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 13010,
              "code": "a_b_10yr",
              "name": "ann_bench_10yr",
              "timeline": "YEAR_10",
              "calculation": "ANN_INDEX"
            "frequency": "MONTHLY"
            "id": 3648593,
            "rate": 1.25,
            "asOfDate": "2025-02-28",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 13015,
              "code": "a_b_15yr",
              "name": "ann_bench_15yr",
              "timeline": "YEAR_15",
              "calculation": "ANN_INDEX"
            "frequency": "MONTHLY"
            "id": 3648594,
            "rate": 3.45,
            "asOfDate": "2025-02-28",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 13020,
              "code": "a_b_20yr",
              "name": "ann_bench_20yr",
              "timeline": "YEAR_20",
              "calculation": "ANN_INDEX"
            "frequency": "MONTHLY"
            "id": 3648595,
            "rate": 1.66,
            "asOfDate": "2025-02-28",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 13003,
              "code": "a_b_3yr",
              "name": "ann_bench_3yr",
              "timeline": "YEAR_03",
              "calculation": "ANN_INDEX"
            "frequency": "MONTHLY"
            "id": 3648596,
            "rate": -0.38,
            "asOfDate": "2025-02-28",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 13005,
              "code": "a_b_5yr",
              "name": "ann_bench_5yr",
              "timeline": "YEAR_05",
              "calculation": "ANN_INDEX"
            "frequency": "MONTHLY"
            "id": 3623879,
            "rate": 4.43,
            "asOfDate": "2024-12-31",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 23010,
              "code": "c_b_10yr",
              "name": "cum_bench_10yr",
              "timeline": "YEAR_10",
              "calculation": "CUM_INDEX"
            "frequency": "QUARTERLY"
            "id": 3623880,
            "rate": 18.93,
            "asOfDate": "2024-12-31",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 23015,
              "code": "c_b_15yr",
              "name": "cum_bench_15yr",
              "timeline": "YEAR_15",
              "calculation": "CUM_INDEX"
            "frequency": "QUARTERLY"
            "id": 3623881,
            "rate": -1.93,
            "asOfDate": "2024-12-31",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 23101,
              "code": "c_b_1mon",
              "name": "cum_bench_1mon",
              "timeline": "MONTH_01",
              "calculation": "CUM_INDEX"
            "frequency": "QUARTERLY"
            "id": 3623882,
            "rate": -2.38,
            "asOfDate": "2024-12-31",
            "returnType": {
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        "definition": "The J.P. Morgan Emerging Market Bond Index (EMBI) Global Diversified is a uniquely weighted emerging market debt benchmark that tracks total returns for U.S. dollar-denominated bonds issue dby emerging market sovereign and quasi-sovereign entities. This index is unmanaged, and its results include reinvested dividends and/or distributions but do not reflect the effect of account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes.",
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        "code": " ",
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        "desc": "J.P. Morgan Index Blend - 50% JPM EMBI Global Diversified & 50% JPM GBI-EM Global Diversified",
        "definition": "The J.P. Morgan Index Blend - 50% J.P. Morgan EMBI Global Diversified & 50% J.P. Morgan GBI-EM Global Diversified tracks the universe of regularly traded, liquid, and fixed-rate local and external sovereign debt issued by emerging markets. 50% of the index covers USD-denominated emerging markets sovereign bonds and remaining 50% has exposure to local government bonds issued by EM countries except India and China, which have capital controls. This index is unmanaged, and its results include reinvested dividends and/or distributions but do not reflect the effect of account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes.",
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              "id": 13003,
              "code": "a_b_3yr",
              "name": "ann_bench_3yr",
              "timeline": "YEAR_03",
              "calculation": "ANN_INDEX"
            "frequency": "QUARTERLY"
            "id": 3623863,
            "rate": -0.84,
            "asOfDate": "2024-12-31",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 13005,
              "code": "a_b_5yr",
              "name": "ann_bench_5yr",
              "timeline": "YEAR_05",
              "calculation": "ANN_INDEX"
            "frequency": "QUARTERLY"
        "holdings": {
          "sectorBreakdown": [],
          "countryDomicile": [],
          "countryDomicileEquity": [],
          "countryDomicileRevenue": []
        "stats": null,
        "riskFactor": {
          "id": 80008,
          "standardDeviation": {
            "asOfDate": "2025-02-28",
            "year03": 10.15,
            "year05": 11.22,
            "year10": 9.61
        "showStandardDeviation": true,
        "showPriceEarningRatio": true,
        "showPriceCashRatio": true,
        "showPriceBookRatio": true,
        "showWeightedMarketCap": true
        "id": 794,
        "code": " ",
        "name": "Lip EM Hard Curr Debt",
        "desc": "Lipper Emerging Market Hard Currency Debt Funds Average",
        "definition": "The Lipper Emerging Markets Hard Currency Debt Funds Average is composed of funds that seek either current income or total return by investing at least 65% of total assets in emerging market debt securities, where “emerging market” is defined by a country’s GNP per capita or other economic measures.  The results of the underlying funds in the average include the reinvestment of dividends and capital gain distributions, as well as brokerage commissions paid by the fund for portfolio transactions and other fund expenses, but do not reflect the effect of sales charges, account fees or U.S. federal income taxes.",
        "morningStarFundId": null,
        "fundStationNumber": null,
        "lipperNumber": null,
        "dataSource": null,
        "returns": [
            "id": 3647370,
            "rate": 35.31,
            "asOfDate": "2025-02-28",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 23010,
              "code": "c_b_10yr",
              "name": "cum_bench_10yr",
              "timeline": "YEAR_10",
              "calculation": "CUM_INDEX"
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            "id": 3647371,
            "rate": 74.68,
            "asOfDate": "2025-02-28",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 23015,
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              "name": "cum_bench_15yr",
              "timeline": "YEAR_15",
              "calculation": "CUM_INDEX"
            "frequency": "MONTHLY"
            "id": 3647372,
            "rate": 1.31,
            "asOfDate": "2025-02-28",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 23101,
              "code": "c_b_1mon",
              "name": "cum_bench_1mon",
              "timeline": "MONTH_01",
              "calculation": "CUM_INDEX"
            "frequency": "MONTHLY"
            "id": 3647373,
            "rate": 9.05,
            "asOfDate": "2025-02-28",
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              "name": "cum_bench_1yr",
              "timeline": "YEAR_01",
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            "rate": 150.73,
            "asOfDate": "2025-02-28",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 23020,
              "code": "c_b_20yr",
              "name": "cum_bench_20yr",
              "timeline": "YEAR_20",
              "calculation": "CUM_INDEX"
            "frequency": "MONTHLY"
            "id": 3647375,
            "rate": 1.79,
            "asOfDate": "2025-02-28",
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              "id": 23103,
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              "name": "cum_bench_3mon",
              "timeline": "MONTH_03",
              "calculation": "CUM_INDEX"
            "frequency": "MONTHLY"
            "id": 3647376,
            "rate": 6.28,
            "asOfDate": "2025-02-28",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 23005,
              "code": "c_b_5yr",
              "name": "cum_bench_5yr",
              "timeline": "YEAR_05",
              "calculation": "CUM_INDEX"
            "frequency": "MONTHLY"
            "id": 3647377,
            "rate": 2.87,
            "asOfDate": "2025-02-28",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 23106,
              "code": "c_b_6mon",
              "name": "cum_bench_6mon",
              "timeline": "MONTH_06",
              "calculation": "CUM_INDEX"
            "frequency": "MONTHLY"
            "id": 3647378,
            "rate": 11.83,
            "asOfDate": "2025-02-28",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 23003,
              "code": "c_b_3yr",
              "name": "cum_bench_3yr",
              "timeline": "YEAR_03",
              "calculation": "CUM_INDEX"
            "frequency": "MONTHLY"
            "id": 3647379,
            "rate": 2.99,
            "asOfDate": "2025-02-28",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 23000,
              "code": "c_b_ytd",
              "name": "cum_bench_ytd",
              "timeline": "YTD",
              "calculation": "CUM_INDEX"
            "frequency": "MONTHLY"
            "id": 3647380,
            "rate": 3.03,
            "asOfDate": "2025-02-28",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 13010,
              "code": "a_b_10yr",
              "name": "ann_bench_10yr",
              "timeline": "YEAR_10",
              "calculation": "ANN_INDEX"
            "frequency": "MONTHLY"
            "id": 3647381,
            "rate": 3.7,
            "asOfDate": "2025-02-28",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 13015,
              "code": "a_b_15yr",
              "name": "ann_bench_15yr",
              "timeline": "YEAR_15",
              "calculation": "ANN_INDEX"
            "frequency": "MONTHLY"
            "id": 3647382,
            "rate": 4.54,
            "asOfDate": "2025-02-28",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 13020,
              "code": "a_b_20yr",
              "name": "ann_bench_20yr",
              "timeline": "YEAR_20",
              "calculation": "ANN_INDEX"
            "frequency": "MONTHLY"
            "id": 3647383,
            "rate": 3.78,
            "asOfDate": "2025-02-28",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 13003,
              "code": "a_b_3yr",
              "name": "ann_bench_3yr",
              "timeline": "YEAR_03",
              "calculation": "ANN_INDEX"
            "frequency": "MONTHLY"
            "id": 3647384,
            "rate": 1.19,
            "asOfDate": "2025-02-28",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 13005,
              "code": "a_b_5yr",
              "name": "ann_bench_5yr",
              "timeline": "YEAR_05",
              "calculation": "ANN_INDEX"
            "frequency": "MONTHLY"
            "id": 3621580,
            "rate": 33.08,
            "asOfDate": "2024-12-31",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 23010,
              "code": "c_b_10yr",
              "name": "cum_bench_10yr",
              "timeline": "YEAR_10",
              "calculation": "CUM_INDEX"
            "frequency": "QUARTERLY"
            "id": 3621581,
            "rate": 72.72,
            "asOfDate": "2024-12-31",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 23015,
              "code": "c_b_15yr",
              "name": "cum_bench_15yr",
              "timeline": "YEAR_15",
              "calculation": "CUM_INDEX"
            "frequency": "QUARTERLY"
            "id": 3621582,
            "rate": -1.14,
            "asOfDate": "2024-12-31",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 23101,
              "code": "c_b_1mon",
              "name": "cum_bench_1mon",
              "timeline": "MONTH_01",
              "calculation": "CUM_INDEX"
            "frequency": "QUARTERLY"
            "id": 3621583,
            "rate": 6.08,
            "asOfDate": "2024-12-31",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 23001,
              "code": "c_b_1yr",
              "name": "cum_bench_1yr",
              "timeline": "YEAR_01",
              "calculation": "CUM_INDEX"
            "frequency": "QUARTERLY"
            "id": 3621584,
            "rate": 147.09,
            "asOfDate": "2024-12-31",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 23020,
              "code": "c_b_20yr",
              "name": "cum_bench_20yr",
              "timeline": "YEAR_20",
              "calculation": "CUM_INDEX"
            "frequency": "QUARTERLY"
            "id": 3621585,
            "rate": -2.07,
            "asOfDate": "2024-12-31",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 23103,
              "code": "c_b_3mon",
              "name": "cum_bench_3mon",
              "timeline": "MONTH_03",
              "calculation": "CUM_INDEX"
            "frequency": "QUARTERLY"
            "id": 3621586,
            "rate": 3.3,
            "asOfDate": "2024-12-31",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 23005,
              "code": "c_b_5yr",
              "name": "cum_bench_5yr",
              "timeline": "YEAR_05",
              "calculation": "CUM_INDEX"
            "frequency": "QUARTERLY"
            "id": 3621587,
            "rate": 3.9,
            "asOfDate": "2024-12-31",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 23106,
              "code": "c_b_6mon",
              "name": "cum_bench_6mon",
              "timeline": "MONTH_06",
              "calculation": "CUM_INDEX"
            "frequency": "QUARTERLY"
            "id": 3621588,
            "rate": 0.45,
            "asOfDate": "2024-12-31",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 23003,
              "code": "c_b_3yr",
              "name": "cum_bench_3yr",
              "timeline": "YEAR_03",
              "calculation": "CUM_INDEX"
            "frequency": "QUARTERLY"
            "id": 3621589,
            "rate": 6.08,
            "asOfDate": "2024-12-31",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 23000,
              "code": "c_b_ytd",
              "name": "cum_bench_ytd",
              "timeline": "YTD",
              "calculation": "CUM_INDEX"
            "frequency": "QUARTERLY"
            "id": 3621590,
            "rate": 2.85,
            "asOfDate": "2024-12-31",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 13010,
              "code": "a_b_10yr",
              "name": "ann_bench_10yr",
              "timeline": "YEAR_10",
              "calculation": "ANN_INDEX"
            "frequency": "QUARTERLY"
            "id": 3621591,
            "rate": 3.63,
            "asOfDate": "2024-12-31",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 13015,
              "code": "a_b_15yr",
              "name": "ann_bench_15yr",
              "timeline": "YEAR_15",
              "calculation": "ANN_INDEX"
            "frequency": "QUARTERLY"
            "id": 3621592,
            "rate": 4.46,
            "asOfDate": "2024-12-31",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 13020,
              "code": "a_b_20yr",
              "name": "ann_bench_20yr",
              "timeline": "YEAR_20",
              "calculation": "ANN_INDEX"
            "frequency": "QUARTERLY"
            "id": 3621593,
            "rate": 0.13,
            "asOfDate": "2024-12-31",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 13003,
              "code": "a_b_3yr",
              "name": "ann_bench_3yr",
              "timeline": "YEAR_03",
              "calculation": "ANN_INDEX"
            "frequency": "QUARTERLY"
            "id": 3621594,
            "rate": 0.6,
            "asOfDate": "2024-12-31",
            "returnType": {
              "id": 13005,
              "code": "a_b_5yr",
              "name": "ann_bench_5yr",
              "timeline": "YEAR_05",
              "calculation": "ANN_INDEX"
            "frequency": "QUARTERLY"
        "holdings": {
          "sectorBreakdown": [],
          "countryDomicile": [],
          "countryDomicileEquity": [],
          "countryDomicileRevenue": []
        "stats": null,
        "riskFactor": null,
        "showStandardDeviation": true,
        "showPriceEarningRatio": true,
        "showPriceCashRatio": true,
        "showPriceBookRatio": true,
        "showWeightedMarketCap": true
    "inceptionDate": "2016-04-22",
    "crmcManagementFlag": false,
    "geoBreakdownFlag": true,
    "divAnomalyFlag": false,
    "dailyDivFlag": false,
    "fundIndustry": "global income fund",
    "counselors": [
        "id": {
          "counselorId": 5920,
          "fundId": 114
        "info": {
          "id": 5920,
          "displayName": "Kirstie Spence",
          "firstName": "Kirstie",
          "lastName": "Spence",
          "middleName": null
        "yearsInIndustry": 29,
        "yearsWithCapital": 29,
        "yearsWithFund": 9,
        "primaryTitle": "President",
        "lastUpdatedOn": "2025-02-28",
        "InvestmentProfessionalType": null
        "id": {
          "counselorId": 5296,
          "fundId": 114
        "info": {
          "id": 5296,
          "displayName": "Luis Freitas de Oliveira",
          "firstName": "Luis",
          "lastName": "Freitas De Oliveira",
          "middleName": null
        "yearsInIndustry": 36,
        "yearsWithCapital": 31,
        "yearsWithFund": 6,
        "primaryTitle": "Senior Vice President",
        "lastUpdatedOn": "2025-02-28",
        "InvestmentProfessionalType": null
        "id": {
          "counselorId": 26391,
          "fundId": 114
        "info": {
          "id": 26391,
          "displayName": "Robert Burgess",
          "firstName": "Robert",
          "lastName": "Burgess",
          "middleName": null
        "yearsInIndustry": 35,
        "yearsWithCapital": 9,
        "yearsWithFund": 2,
        "primaryTitle": "Vice President",
        "lastUpdatedOn": "2025-02-28",
        "InvestmentProfessionalType": null
    "assets": [
        "id": 177393,
        "year": "2019",
        "frequency": "ADHOC",
        "fundAssets": 947442496.06,
        "assetsInMillion": 947.4,
        "assetsInBillion": 0.9,
        "billionFlag": false,
        "assetAsOfDate": "2019-12-31"
        "id": 100383,
        "year": "2017",
        "frequency": "ADHOC",
        "fundAssets": 333039210.9,
        "assetsInMillion": 333,
        "assetsInBillion": 0.3,
        "billionFlag": false,
        "assetAsOfDate": "2017-12-31"
        "id": 189312,
        "year": "2020",
        "frequency": "ADHOC",
        "fundAssets": 1269067773.63,
        "assetsInMillion": 1269.1,
        "assetsInBillion": 1.3,
        "billionFlag": false,
        "assetAsOfDate": "2020-12-31"
        "id": 193593,
        "year": "2021",
        "frequency": "ADHOC",
        "fundAssets": 1470532674.2,
        "assetsInMillion": 1470.5,
        "assetsInBillion": 1.5,
        "billionFlag": false,
        "assetAsOfDate": "2021-12-31"
        "id": 134959,
        "year": "2018",
        "frequency": "ADHOC",
        "fundAssets": 693770196.23,
        "assetsInMillion": 693.8,
        "assetsInBillion": 0.7,
        "billionFlag": false,
        "assetAsOfDate": "2018-12-31"
        "id": 416629,
        "year": null,
        "frequency": "MONTHLY",
        "fundAssets": 2890563217.24,
        "assetsInMillion": 2890.6,
        "assetsInBillion": 2.9,
        "billionFlag": true,
        "assetAsOfDate": "2025-02-28"
        "id": 358693,
        "year": "2022",
        "frequency": "ADHOC",
        "fundAssets": 872089320.73,
        "assetsInMillion": 872.1,
        "assetsInBillion": 0.9,
        "billionFlag": null,
        "assetAsOfDate": "2022-12-31"
        "id": 413855,
        "year": "2024",
        "frequency": "ADHOC",
        "fundAssets": 2757557203.81,
        "assetsInMillion": 2757.6,
        "assetsInBillion": 2.8,
        "billionFlag": null,
        "assetAsOfDate": "2024-12-31"
        "id": 380822,
        "year": "2023",
        "frequency": "ADHOC",
        "fundAssets": 1099021783.22,
        "assetsInMillion": 1099,
        "assetsInBillion": 1.1,
        "billionFlag": null,
        "assetAsOfDate": "2023-12-31"
    "characteristics": {
      "2017": {
        "portfolioTurnover": 35,
        "ptManualDisplay": 35,
        "turnoverAsOfDate": "2017-12-31"
      "2018": {
        "portfolioTurnover": 38,
        "ptManualDisplay": 38,
        "turnoverAsOfDate": "2018-12-31"
      "2019": {
        "portfolioTurnover": 54,
        "ptManualDisplay": 54,
        "turnoverAsOfDate": "2019-12-31"
      "2020": {
        "portfolioTurnover": 70,
        "ptManualDisplay": 70,
        "turnoverAsOfDate": "2020-12-31"
      "2021": {
        "portfolioTurnover": 52,
        "ptManualDisplay": 52,
        "turnoverAsOfDate": "2021-12-31"
      "2022": {
        "portfolioTurnover": 63,
        "ptManualDisplay": 63,
        "turnoverAsOfDate": "2022-12-31"
      "2023": {
        "portfolioTurnover": 56,
        "ptManualDisplay": 56,
        "turnoverAsOfDate": "2023-12-31"
      "2024": {
        "portfolioTurnover": 43,
        "ptManualDisplay": 43,
        "turnoverAsOfDate": "2024-12-31"
    "detail": {
      "id": 114,
      "objective": "The fund&#39s investment objective is to provide a high level of total return over the long term, of which current income is a large component.",
      "maturity": "The bond maturities that the fund targets will vary depending on the current strategy being implemented.",
      "investmentType": "Government debt (nominal and inflation-linked), quasi-sovereigns and corporate bonds — including U.S. dollar-denominated and local-currency issues.",
      "specialChars": "This strategy takes a differentiated approach by investing in the full universe of emerging markets debt. It invests in both sovereign and corporate bonds, denominated in either U.S. dollar or local currency issues, which may serve as a source of favorable returns and potential diversification. As pioneers in emerging markets investing, this strategy leverages our 20-year track record of managing emerging markets bond portfolios.",
      "bumperDescription": "Invests in both sovereign and corporate bonds, denominated in either U.S. dollar or local currency issues, which may serve as a source of favorable returns and potential diversification. As pioneers in emerging markets investing, this strategy leverages our 20-year track record of managing emerging markets bond portfolios.",
      "bumperHeadline": "A differentiated approach to emerging markets debt.",
      "nonUsHoldings": "Up to 100% of assets may be invested in securities denominated in currencies other than the U.S. dollar, mostly fixed-income securities of emerging markets governments, quasi-government entities and corporations.",
      "portfolioRestriction": "The fund generally invests at least 80% of its assets in bonds and other debt securities from emerging markets issuers (some of which may be represented by derivatives). The fund may invest in securities rated below-investment grade (BB/Ba and below), or unrated, but determined by the fund’s investment adviser to be of equivalent quality at the time of purchase, including high-yield bonds issued by developing country governments and corporates.",
      "strategy": null,
      "lipperCategory": "Emerging Mrkts Hard Currency Debt",
      "overview": "American Funds Emerging Markets Bond Fund may be appropriate for:\n<ul class=\"\"indent\"\"><li>Investors who wish to pursue total return and income opportunities in emerging markets</li><li>Investors seeking exposure to the longer term growth potential of developing economies</li><li>Investors looking to add diversification to a portfolio of stocks or bonds</li></ul>",
      "rpInvestment": "Government debt (nominal and inflation-linked), quasi-sovereigns and corporate bonds &#8212; including U.S. dollar-denominated and local-currency issues."
    "stats": {
      "id": 114,
      "average": {
        "asOfDate": "2025-02-28",
        "life": null,
        "duration": null,
        "maturityYield": 8.4,
        "worstYield": 8.4,
        "coupon": 6,
        "effDuration": 5.9
      "marketCap": null,
      "totalIssuer": {
        "asOfDate": "2025-02-28",
        "value": 173
      "minimumTax": null,
      "bondMaturity": {
        "asOfDate": null,
        "year0to5": 30.6,
        "year5to10": 32.2,
        "year10to20": 17.8,
        "year20to30": 10.6,
        "year30plus": 1.5
      "priceRatio": null,
      "total": {
        "asOfDate": "2025-02-28",
        "account": 95831
      "weightedAvgStats": null
    "holdings": {
      "assetMix": [
          "id": 2920659,
          "type": "ASSET_MIX",
          "index": 1,
          "name": "Non-U.S. Equities",
          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 0.1,
          "categoryName": null,
          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2920660,
          "type": "ASSET_MIX",
          "index": 2,
          "name": "U.S. Bonds",
          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 2.6,
          "categoryName": null,
          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2920661,
          "type": "ASSET_MIX",
          "index": 3,
          "name": "Non-U.S. Bonds",
          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 89.7,
          "categoryName": null,
          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2920662,
          "type": "ASSET_MIX",
          "index": 4,
          "name": "Cash & Equivalents",
          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 7.6,
          "categoryName": null,
          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
      "classificationMix": [],
      "top10Equity": [],
      "geographicBreakdown": [
          "id": 2916032,
          "type": "GEOGRAPHIC",
          "index": 1,
          "name": "United States",
          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 2.6,
          "categoryName": null,
          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2916033,
          "type": "GEOGRAPHIC",
          "index": 2,
          "name": "Europe",
          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 15.1,
          "categoryName": null,
          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2916034,
          "type": "GEOGRAPHIC",
          "index": 3,
          "name": "Asia & Pacific Basin",
          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 24.6,
          "categoryName": null,
          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2916035,
          "type": "GEOGRAPHIC",
          "index": 4,
          "name": "Other (Including Canada & Latin America)",
          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 50.2,
          "categoryName": null,
          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2916036,
          "type": "GEOGRAPHIC",
          "index": 5,
          "name": "Cash & equivalents",
          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 7.6,
          "categoryName": null,
          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
      "industryBreakdown": [],
      "portfolioBreakdown": [
          "id": 2896941,
          "type": "PORTFOLIO",
          "index": 5,
          "name": "Non-U.S. Government Bonds",
          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 68.5,
          "categoryName": null,
          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2024-12-31"
          "id": 2896940,
          "type": "PORTFOLIO",
          "index": 4,
          "name": "Non-U.S. Corporate Bonds",
          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 18.4,
          "categoryName": null,
          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2024-12-31"
          "id": 2896938,
          "type": "PORTFOLIO",
          "index": 2,
          "name": "Cash & equivalents",
          "desc": null,
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          "categoryName": null,
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          "index": 3,
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          "categoryName": null,
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          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
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          "categoryName": null,
          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2915697,
          "type": "QUALITY_SUMMARY_RAW",
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          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 1.4,
          "categoryName": null,
          "categoryValue": null,
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          "categoryName": null,
          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2915700,
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          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
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          "index": 7,
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          "percentage": 25.6,
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          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2915702,
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          "index": 8,
          "name": "B",
          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 8.6,
          "categoryName": null,
          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2915703,
          "type": "QUALITY_SUMMARY_RAW",
          "index": 9,
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          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 1.8,
          "categoryName": null,
          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2915704,
          "type": "QUALITY_SUMMARY_RAW",
          "index": 10,
          "name": "Unrated",
          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 0.5,
          "categoryName": null,
          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2915705,
          "type": "QUALITY_SUMMARY_RAW",
          "index": 11,
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          "percentage": 3.8,
          "categoryName": null,
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          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
      "qualitySummaryRollUp": [
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          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 2.5,
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          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2916510,
          "type": "QUALITY_SUMMARY_AGGEGATED",
          "index": 2,
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          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 1.4,
          "categoryName": "Investment Grade",
          "categoryValue": 59.6,
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2916511,
          "type": "QUALITY_SUMMARY_AGGEGATED",
          "index": 3,
          "name": "AA/Aa",
          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 5.1,
          "categoryName": "Investment Grade",
          "categoryValue": 59.6,
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2916512,
          "type": "QUALITY_SUMMARY_AGGEGATED",
          "index": 4,
          "name": "A",
          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 15.8,
          "categoryName": "Investment Grade",
          "categoryValue": 59.6,
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2916513,
          "type": "QUALITY_SUMMARY_AGGEGATED",
          "index": 5,
          "name": "BBB/Baa",
          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 34.8,
          "categoryName": "Investment Grade",
          "categoryValue": 59.6,
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2916514,
          "type": "QUALITY_SUMMARY_AGGEGATED",
          "index": 6,
          "name": "BB/Ba",
          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 25.6,
          "categoryName": "Below Investment Grade",
          "categoryValue": 36,
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2916515,
          "type": "QUALITY_SUMMARY_AGGEGATED",
          "index": 7,
          "name": "B",
          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 8.6,
          "categoryName": "Below Investment Grade",
          "categoryValue": 36,
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2916516,
          "type": "QUALITY_SUMMARY_AGGEGATED",
          "index": 8,
          "name": "CCC & Below",
          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 1.8,
          "categoryName": "Below Investment Grade",
          "categoryValue": 36,
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2916517,
          "type": "QUALITY_SUMMARY_AGGEGATED",
          "index": 9,
          "name": "Unrated",
          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 0.5,
          "categoryName": "Unrated",
          "categoryValue": 0.5,
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2916518,
          "type": "QUALITY_SUMMARY_AGGEGATED",
          "index": 10,
          "name": "Other",
          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 0.1,
          "categoryName": "Other",
          "categoryValue": 0.1,
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2916519,
          "type": "QUALITY_SUMMARY_AGGEGATED",
          "index": 11,
          "name": "Cash & equivalents",
          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 3.8,
          "categoryName": "Cash and equivalents",
          "categoryValue": 3.8,
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
      "underlyingFunds": [],
      "countryBreakdown": [
          "id": 2918078,
          "type": "COUNTRY",
          "index": 1,
          "name": "China",
          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 2.7,
          "categoryName": "Asia & Pacific Rim",
          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2918079,
          "type": "COUNTRY",
          "index": 2,
          "name": "Hong Kong",
          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 0.8,
          "categoryName": "Asia & Pacific Rim",
          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2918080,
          "type": "COUNTRY",
          "index": 3,
          "name": "India",
          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 4.1,
          "categoryName": "Asia & Pacific Rim",
          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2918081,
          "type": "COUNTRY",
          "index": 4,
          "name": "Indonesia",
          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 7.1,
          "categoryName": "Asia & Pacific Rim",
          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2918082,
          "type": "COUNTRY",
          "index": 5,
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          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 0.2,
          "categoryName": "Asia & Pacific Rim",
          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2918083,
          "type": "COUNTRY",
          "index": 6,
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          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 0.6,
          "categoryName": "Asia & Pacific Rim",
          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2918084,
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          "index": 7,
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          "desc": null,
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          "categoryName": "Asia & Pacific Rim",
          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2918085,
          "type": "COUNTRY",
          "index": 8,
          "name": "Malaysia",
          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 4.5,
          "categoryName": "Asia & Pacific Rim",
          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2918086,
          "type": "COUNTRY",
          "index": 9,
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          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 0,
          "categoryName": "Asia & Pacific Rim",
          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2918087,
          "type": "COUNTRY",
          "index": 10,
          "name": "Philippines",
          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 0.9,
          "categoryName": "Asia & Pacific Rim",
          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2918088,
          "type": "COUNTRY",
          "index": 11,
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          "percentage": 0,
          "categoryName": "Asia & Pacific Rim",
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          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2918089,
          "type": "COUNTRY",
          "index": 12,
          "name": "Thailand",
          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 2.9,
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          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2918090,
          "type": "COUNTRY",
          "index": 13,
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          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 2.6,
          "categoryName": "United States",
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          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2918091,
          "type": "COUNTRY",
          "index": 14,
          "name": "Albania",
          "desc": null,
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          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2918092,
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          "index": 15,
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          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2918093,
          "type": "COUNTRY",
          "index": 16,
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          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2918095,
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          "id": 2918096,
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          "id": 2918098,
          "type": "COUNTRY",
          "index": 21,
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          "percentage": 4.4,
          "categoryName": "Europe",
          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2918099,
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          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2918104,
          "type": "COUNTRY",
          "index": 27,
          "name": "United Kingdom",
          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 0.4,
          "categoryName": "Europe",
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          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2918105,
          "type": "COUNTRY",
          "index": 28,
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          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2918107,
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          "index": 32,
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          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 1.4,
          "categoryName": "Other Including Canada & Latin America",
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          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2918110,
          "type": "COUNTRY",
          "index": 33,
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          "percentage": 4.6,
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          "id": 2918120,
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          "categoryName": "Other Including Canada & Latin America",
          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2918121,
          "type": "COUNTRY",
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          "type": "COUNTRY",
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          "id": 2918126,
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          "id": 2918132,
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          "id": 2918133,
          "type": "COUNTRY",
          "index": 56,
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          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 1.1,
          "categoryName": "Other Including Canada & Latin America",
          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2918134,
          "type": "COUNTRY",
          "index": 57,
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          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2918136,
          "type": "COUNTRY",
          "index": 59,
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          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 1.5,
          "categoryName": "Other Including Canada & Latin America",
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          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
          "id": 2918137,
          "type": "COUNTRY",
          "index": 60,
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          "desc": null,
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          "asOfDate": "2025-02-28"
      "sectorBreakdown": [],
      "currencyWeightingShort": [
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          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 0.1,
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          "asOfDate": "2024-09-30"
          "id": 2864185,
          "type": "CURRENCY_WEIGHTING_SHORT",
          "index": 3,
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          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 3.8,
          "categoryName": null,
          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2024-09-30"
          "id": 2864186,
          "type": "CURRENCY_WEIGHTING_SHORT",
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          "desc": null,
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          "categoryName": null,
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          "asOfDate": "2024-09-30"
          "id": 2864188,
          "type": "CURRENCY_WEIGHTING_SHORT",
          "index": 6,
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          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 5.9,
          "categoryName": null,
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          "asOfDate": "2024-09-30"
          "id": 2864189,
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          "categoryName": null,
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          "asOfDate": "2024-09-30"
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          "index": 8,
          "name": "Other currencies",
          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 34.2,
          "categoryName": null,
          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2024-09-30"
      "currencyWeightingFull": [
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          "type": "CURRENCY_WEIGHTING_FULL",
          "index": 3,
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          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2024-12-31"
          "id": 2900208,
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          "index": 4,
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          "categoryName": "Europe",
          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2024-12-31"
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          "percentage": 0.2,
          "categoryName": "Europe",
          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2024-12-31"
          "id": 2900210,
          "type": "CURRENCY_WEIGHTING_FULL",
          "index": 6,
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          "asOfDate": "2024-12-31"
          "id": 2900212,
          "type": "CURRENCY_WEIGHTING_FULL",
          "index": 8,
          "name": "Zloty",
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          "asOfDate": "2024-12-31"
          "id": 2900213,
          "type": "CURRENCY_WEIGHTING_FULL",
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          "type": "CURRENCY_WEIGHTING_FULL",
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          "percentage": 3.3,
          "categoryName": "Asia/Pacific",
          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2024-12-31"
          "id": 2900215,
          "type": "CURRENCY_WEIGHTING_FULL",
          "index": 11,
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          "percentage": 3.9,
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          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2024-12-31"
          "id": 2900217,
          "type": "CURRENCY_WEIGHTING_FULL",
          "index": 13,
          "name": "Rupiah",
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          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2024-12-31"
          "id": 2900218,
          "type": "CURRENCY_WEIGHTING_FULL",
          "index": 14,
          "name": "Won",
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          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2024-12-31"
          "id": 2900219,
          "type": "CURRENCY_WEIGHTING_FULL",
          "index": 15,
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          "desc": "JAPAN",
          "percentage": 0.3,
          "categoryName": "Asia/Pacific",
          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2024-12-31"
          "id": 2900220,
          "type": "CURRENCY_WEIGHTING_FULL",
          "index": 16,
          "name": "Yuan Renminbi",
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          "percentage": 1.8,
          "categoryName": "Asia/Pacific",
          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2024-12-31"
          "id": 2900221,
          "type": "CURRENCY_WEIGHTING_FULL",
          "index": 17,
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          "percentage": 7,
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          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2024-12-31"
          "id": 2900222,
          "type": "CURRENCY_WEIGHTING_FULL",
          "index": 18,
          "name": "Chilean Peso",
          "desc": "CHILE",
          "percentage": 0.6,
          "categoryName": "The Americas",
          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2024-12-31"
          "id": 2900223,
          "type": "CURRENCY_WEIGHTING_FULL",
          "index": 19,
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          "categoryName": "The Americas",
          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2024-12-31"
          "id": 2900224,
          "type": "CURRENCY_WEIGHTING_FULL",
          "index": 20,
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          "desc": "DOMINICAN REPUBLIC",
          "percentage": 0.1,
          "categoryName": "The Americas",
          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2024-12-31"
          "id": 2900225,
          "type": "CURRENCY_WEIGHTING_FULL",
          "index": 21,
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          "percentage": 5.8,
          "categoryName": "The Americas",
          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2024-12-31"
          "id": 2900226,
          "type": "CURRENCY_WEIGHTING_FULL",
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          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2024-12-31"
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          "index": 23,
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          "asOfDate": "2024-12-31"
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          "asOfDate": "2024-12-31"
          "id": 2900229,
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          "asOfDate": "2024-12-31"
          "id": 2900230,
          "type": "CURRENCY_WEIGHTING_FULL",
          "index": 26,
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          "percentage": 52.1,
          "categoryName": null,
          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2024-09-30"
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          "categoryName": null,
          "categoryValue": null,
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          "asOfDate": "2024-12-31"
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          "desc": null,
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          "categoryName": null,
          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2024-12-31"
          "id": 2900083,
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          "asOfDate": "2024-12-31"
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          "categoryName": null,
          "categoryValue": null,
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          "type": "TOP_ISSUER",
          "index": 5,
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          "categoryName": null,
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          "asOfDate": "2024-12-31"
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          "categoryName": null,
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          "index": 10,
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          "percentage": 2.7,
          "categoryName": null,
          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2024-12-31"
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          "categoryName": null,
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          "asOfDate": "2024-12-31"
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          "categoryName": null,
          "categoryValue": null,
          "asOfDate": "2024-12-31"
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          "type": "TOP_COUNTRY",
          "index": 6,
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          "categoryName": null,
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          "categoryName": null,
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          "categoryName": null,
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          "asOfDate": "2024-12-31"
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          "type": "PORTFOLIO_BREAKDOWN",
          "index": 12,
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          "asOfDate": "2024-12-31"
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          "type": "PORTFOLIO_BREAKDOWN",
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          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 0.7,
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          "asOfDate": "2024-12-31"
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          "type": "PORTFOLIO_BREAKDOWN",
          "index": 9,
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          "desc": null,
          "percentage": 2,
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          "asOfDate": "2024-12-31"
          "id": 2899350,
          "type": "PORTFOLIO_BREAKDOWN",
          "index": 8,
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          "percentage": 0.2,
          "categoryName": "Corporate bonds, notes & loans",
          "categoryValue": 19.2,
          "asOfDate": "2024-12-31"
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          "type": "PORTFOLIO_BREAKDOWN",
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          "type": "PORTFOLIO_BREAKDOWN",
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          "categoryName": "Corporate bonds, notes & loans",
          "categoryValue": 19.2,
          "asOfDate": "2024-12-31"
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          "asOfDate": "2024-12-31"
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          "desc": null,
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      "countryDomicileEquity": [],
      "countryDomicileRevenue": []
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      "code": "BOND",
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      "growthIncome": false,
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      "portfolioFundSeries": false,
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  "historicalDistributions": {
    "loading": false,
    "data": [
        "id": 37114,
        "asOfDate": "2025-01-31",
        "fundNav": 7.62,
        "nonDailyDiv": 0.04809558019042015,
        "capGainPaid": 0,
        "stockSplitRatio": null,
        "reinvestDate": "2025-01-31",
        "nonDailySpDiv": 0,
        "stCapGainPaid": 0
        "id": 37114,
        "asOfDate": "2025-02-28",
        "fundNav": 7.65,
        "nonDailyDiv": 0.04505417123436928,
        "capGainPaid": 0,
        "stockSplitRatio": null,
        "reinvestDate": "2025-02-28",
        "nonDailySpDiv": 0,
        "stCapGainPaid": 0
    "year": 2025,
    "dividendSubtotal": 0.09314975142478943,
    "capGainsSubtotal": 0,
    "totalDistributions": 0.09314975142478943,
    "asOfDate": "2025-03-28"
  "litResources": {
    "loading": false,
    "data": [
          " 4Q-2024 Quarterly Attribution Report &#8212; American Funds Emerging Markets Bond Fund",
          "Quarterly Attribution Report",
          " 4Q-2024 Fund Fact Sheet (F-3 Share) &#8212; American Funds Emerging Markets Bond Fund",
          "Quarterly Fund Fact Sheet",
          "Statement of additional information",
          "Statement of additional information",
  "showExpenseRatioGross": true,
  "showSeparateBenchmarks": true,
  "definitionsList": [
  "countryDomicile": [],
  "alertExpireDateNef": "2020-02-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  "morningStarDetail": {
    "valuation": {
      "priceToBook": null,
      "priceToCashFlow": null,
      "earnings": null,
      "fundAsOfDate": null,
      "marketCapitalInMillions": null
    "riskMeasures": {
      "stdDeviation": {
        "year03": 10.709,
        "year05": 12.096,
        "year10": null
      "sharpRatio": {
        "year03": -0.001,
        "year05": -0.017,
        "year10": null
      "rSquared": {
        "year03": 69.51,
        "year05": 42.7,
        "year10": null
      "beta": {
        "year03": 1.14,
        "year05": 1.24,
        "year10": null
      "captureUpRatio": {
        "year03": 118.65,
        "year05": 154.77,
        "year10": null
      "captureDownRatio": {
        "year03": 80.94,
        "year05": 125.32,
        "year10": null
      "morningStarIndex": "Bloomberg US Agg Bond TR USD",
      "morningStarIndexCode": "XIUSA000MC",
      "asOfDate": "2025-02-28",
      "latestDataAvailable": "05",
      "latestStandardDeviationYear": 12.096,
      "latestSharpeRatioYear": -0.017,
      "latestRSquaredYear": 42.7,
      "latestBetaYear": 1.24,
      "latestCaptureRatioDown": 125.32,
      "latestCaptureRatioUp": 154.77
    "mStarRating": {
      "RatingDate": "2025-02-28",
      "RatingOverall": "3",
      "RiskOverall": "Average",
      "NumberOfFundsOverall": "221",
      "Rating3Year": "3",
      "NumberOfFunds3Year": "221",
      "Rating5Year": "3",
      "NumberOfFunds5Year": "208",
      "Rating10Year": null,
      "FundLevelCategoryName": "Emerging Markets Bond",
      "NumberOfFunds10Year": "130",
      "returnOverall": null,
      "return3Year": null,
      "risk3Year": null,
      "return5Year": null,
      "risk5Year": null,
      "return10Year": null,
      "risk10Year": null,
      "riskAdjustedReturn3Yr": null,
      "riskAdjustedReturn5Yr": null,
      "riskAdjustedReturn10Yr": null,
      "riskAdjustedReturnOverall": null,
      "performanceScore3Yr": null,
      "performanceScore5Yr": null,
      "performanceScore10Yr": null,
      "performanceScoreOverall": null,
      "riskScore3Y": null,
      "riskScore5Yr": null,
      "riskScore10Yr": null,
      "riskScoreOverall": null,
      "ratingCatRank3Year": null,
      "perfCatRank3Year": null,
      "riskCatRank3Year": null,
      "ratingCatRank5Year": null,
      "perfCatRank5Year": null,
      "riskCatRank5Year": null,
      "ratingCatRank10Year": null,
      "perfCatRank10Year": null,
      "riskCatRank10Year": null,
      "ratingDate": "2025-02-28",
      "ratingOverall": "3",
      "riskOverall": "Average",
      "numberOfFundsOverall": "221",
      "rating3Year": "3",
      "numberOfFunds3Year": "221",
      "rating5Year": "3",
      "numberOfFunds5Year": "208",
      "rating10Year": null,
      "numberOfFunds10Year": "130",
      "category": "Emerging Markets Bond"
    "mStarStylebox": {
      "asOfDate": "2024-12-31",
      "fixedIncomeStylebox": "5",
      "fixedIncomeStyleboxQuality": "Medium Quality",
      "fixedIncomeStyleboxSensitvity": "Moderate Sensitivity"
    "ownershipZone": null,
    "mStarBenchmark": {
      "PrimaryIndexId": "XIUSA000MC",
      "PrimaryIndexDesc": "The index measures the performance of investment grade, U.S. dollar-denominated, fixed-rate taxable bond market, including Treasuries, government-related and corporate securities, MBS (agency fixed-rate and hybrid ARM passthroughs), ABS, and CMBS. It rolls up into other Bloomberg flagship indices, such as the multi-currency Global Aggregate Index and the U.S. Universal Index, which includes high yield and emerging markets debt."

Figures shown are past results and are not predictive of results in future periods. Current and future results may be lower or higher than those shown. Investing for short periods makes losses more likely. Prices and returns will vary, so investors may lose money. View mutual fund expense ratios and returns. View current mutual fund SEC yields.

Investments are not FDIC-insured, nor are they deposits of or guaranteed by a bank or any other entity, so they may lose value.

Investors should carefully consider investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. This and other important information is contained in the fund prospectuses and summary prospectuses, which can be obtained from a financial professional and should be read carefully before investing.

The use of derivatives involves a variety of risks, which may be different from, or greater than, the risks associated with investing in traditional securities, such as stocks and bonds.

Lower rated bonds are subject to greater fluctuations in value and risk of loss of income and principal than higher rated bonds.

The return of principal for bond portfolios and for portfolios with significant underlying bond holdings is not guaranteed. Investments are subject to the same interest rate, inflation and credit risks associated with the underlying bond holdings.

Investing outside the United States involves risks, such as currency fluctuations, periods of illiquidity and price volatility. These risks may be heightened in connection with investments in developing countries.

Nondiversified funds have the ability to invest a larger percentage of assets in the securities of a smaller number of issuers than a diversified fund. As a result, poor results by a single issuer could adversely affect fund results more than if the fund invested in a larger number of issuers. See the applicable prospectus for details.

There have been periods when the results lagged the index(es) and/or average(s). The indexes are unmanaged and, therefore, have no expenses. Investors cannot invest directly in an index.

Information has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable but J.P. Morgan does not warrant its completeness or accuracy. The Index is used with permission. The Index may not be copied, used, or distributed without J.P. Morgan's prior written approval. Copyright 2025, J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. All rights reserved. (J.P. Morgan Index Blend - 50% JPM EMBI Global Diversified & 50% JPM GBI-EM Global Diversified)

This report, and any product, index or fund referred to herein, is not sponsored, endorsed or promoted in any way by J.P. Morgan or any of its affiliates who provide no warranties whatsoever, express or implied, and shall have no liability to any prospective investor, in connection with this report. J.P. Morgan disclaimer: https://www.jpmm.com/research/disclosures

All Capital Group trademarks mentioned are owned by The Capital Group Companies, Inc., an affiliated company or fund. All other company and product names mentioned are the property of their respective companies.

Investment results assume all distributions are reinvested and reflect applicable fees and expenses.

When applicable, results reflect fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements, without which they would have been lower and net expenses higher. Read details about how waivers and/or reimbursements affect the results for each fund. View results and yields without fee waiver and/or expense reimbursement.

Certain share classes were offered after the inception dates of some funds. Results for these shares prior to the dates of first sale are hypothetical based on the original share class results without a sales charge, adjusted for typical estimated expenses. 

  • Class F-3 shares were first offered on 1/27/2017.
Results for certain funds with an inception date after the share class inception also include hypothetical returns because those funds' shares sold after the funds' date of first offering. View dates of first sale and specific expense adjustment information.

  1. Expense ratios are as of each fund's prospectus/characteristics statement available at the time of publication.
  2. When applicable, returns for less than one year are not annualized, but calculated as cumulative total returns.
  3. Includes cash, short-term securities, other assets less liabilities, accruals, derivatives and forwards. It may also include investments in money market or similar funds managed by the investment adviser or its affiliates that are not offered to the public.
  4. Calculated by Morningstar. Due to differing calculation methods, the figures shown here may differ from those calculated by Capital Group.
  5. Read more information about Morningstar Style Box methodology. The model for the fixed-income style box is based on the two pillars of fixed-income performance: interest-rate sensitivity and credit quality. The three interest sensitivity groups are limited, moderate and extensive and the three credit quality groups are high, medium and low. These groupings display a portfolio's effective duration and third party credit ratings to provide an overall representation of the fund's risk orientation given the sensitivity to interest rate and credit rating of bonds in the portfolio.
  6. The months indicated for dividends and capital gains paid represent the anticipated current year ex-dividend date schedule for all share classes.
  7. YTD (year-to-date return): For the period from January 1 of the current year to the date shown or from inception date if first offered after January 1 of the current year.
  8. The distribution rate reflects the fund's past dividends paid to shareholders and may differ from the fund's SEC yield which reflects the rate at which the fund is earning income on its current portfolio of securities. The distribution rate reflects fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements in effect during the period. Without waivers and/or reimbursements, it would be reduced. A portion of the fund's distribution may be classified as a return of capital. Please refer to the fund's Annual Report for details.
  9. Reflects current team at the time of publication. Years of experience in investment industry and Capital Group are as of the most recent year end. Years of experience on the fund are as of the most recent prospectus.
  10. The Morningstar Rating™ for funds, or "star rating", is calculated for managed products (including mutual funds, variable annuity and variable life subaccounts, exchange-traded funds, closed-end funds, and separate accounts) with at least a three-year history. Exchange-traded funds and open-ended mutual funds are considered a single population for comparative purposes. It is calculated based on a Morningstar Risk-Adjusted Return measure that accounts for variation in a managed product's monthly excess performance, placing more emphasis on downward variations and rewarding consistent performance. The Morningstar Rating does not include any adjustment for sales loads. The top 10% of products in each product category receive 5 stars, the next 22.5% receive 4 stars, the next 35% receive 3 stars, the next 22.5% receive 2 stars, and the bottom 10% receive 1 star. The Overall Morningstar Rating for a managed product is derived from a weighted average of the performance figures associated with its three-, five-, and 10-year (if applicable) Morningstar Rating metrics. The weights are: 100% three-year rating for 36-59 months of total returns, 60% five-year rating/40% three-year rating for 60-119 months of total returns, and 50% 10-year rating/30% five-year rating/20% three-year rating for 120 or more months of total returns. While the 10-year overall star rating formula seems to give the most weight to the 10-year period, the most recent three-year period actually has the greatest impact because it is included in all three rating periods. Past results are not a guarantee of results in future periods. The Morningstar Ratings are based on the share classes of each underlying fund held by the series; other underlying fund share classes may have different performance characteristics.
  11. Calculated by Capital Group. Due to differing calculation methods, the figures shown here may differ from those calculated by Morningstar.
  12. The information shown does not include cash and cash equivalents. This includes shares of money market or similar funds managed by the investment adviser or its affiliates that are not offered to the public.
  13. Source for Lipper expense ratio comparison: Lipper, based on institutional-load funds, excluding funds of funds, for the most recent fiscal year-ends available as of 12/31/2024.

Use of this website is intended for U.S. residents only.

Capital Client Group, Inc.

This content, developed by Capital Group, home of American Funds, should not be used as a primary basis for investment decisions and is not intended to serve as impartial investment or fiduciary advice.

© 2025 Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Some of the information contained herein: (1) is proprietary to Morningstar and/or its content providers; (2) may not be copied or distributed; and (3) is not warranted to be accurate, complete or timely. Neither Morningstar, its content providers nor Capital Group are responsible for any damages or losses arising from any use of this information. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Information is calculated by Morningstar. Due to differing calculation methods, the figures shown here may differ from those calculated by Capital Group.

Expressed in years, average life is time weighting the expected principal payments, taking into consideration the impact of calls and prepayments. In general, it is a better measure than average maturity for bonds that have the ability to prepay principal before they reach maturity (e.g., mortgages, mortgage-backed securities and asset-backed securities). Data shown is a weighted average of the bond holdings.

Expressed in years, average duration is a weighted average of the estimated price sensitivity of the bond holdings to a given change in interest rates. With respect to individual bonds, for example, a duration of 4 years indicates that the price of a bond will rise/fall by approximately 4% if rates in general fall/rise by 1%. Typically, bonds with a longer duration pay higher interest but are more sensitive to interest rate changes.

Effective duration is a duration calculation for bonds that takes into account that expected cash flows will fluctuate as interest rates change.

A bond's total return if held to maturity and no default occurs or options are exercised. Assumes coupons are paid on time and accounts for their present value. Assumes principal is returned at maturity.

Lower of Yield to Maturity or the bond's total return if put or call options are exercised prior to maturity but no default occurs.

The average coupon is the weighted average coupon rate of all the bond holdings.

The J.P. Morgan Index Blend - 50% J.P. Morgan EMBI Global Diversified & 50% J.P. Morgan GBI-EM Global Diversified tracks the universe of regularly traded liquid fixed-rate local and external sovereign debt issued by emerging markets. 50% of the index covers USD-denominated emerging markets sovereign bonds and the remaining 50% has exposure to local government bonds issued by EM countries except India and China, which have capital controls. The J.P. Morgan Emerging Markets Bond Index (EMBI) Global Diversified is a uniquely weighted emerging markets debt benchmark that tracks total returns for U.S. dollar-denominated bonds issued by emerging markets sovereign and quasi-sovereign entities. J.P. Morgan Government Bond Index - Emerging Markets Global Diversified covers the universe of regularly traded, liquid fixed-rate, domestic currency emerging markets government bonds to which international investors can gain exposure. The indexes are unmanaged, and results include reinvested distributions but do not reflect the effect of sales charges, commissions, account fees, expenses or U.S. federal income taxes.

Price-to-book ratio compares a stock's market value to the value of total assets less total liabilities (book value). Adjusted for stock splits. Price-to-cash-flow (P/C) ratio is the average price to cash flow ratio of the individual stocks within a fund. Price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio takes the current price of a stock divided by its earnings per share. The ratio reflects the cost of a given stock per dollar of current annual earnings and is the most common measure of a stock's expense. The higher the P/E, the more investors are paying, and therefore the more earnings growth they are expecting.

Price-to-cash-flow (P/C) ratio is the average price to cash flow ratio of the individual stocks within a fund/model.

Price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio takes the current price of a stock divided by its earnings per share. The ratio reflects the cost of a given stock per dollar of current annual earnings and is the most common measure of a stock's expense. The higher the P/E, the more investors are paying, and therefore the more earnings growth they are expecting.

In an effort to classify funds by what they own, as well as by their prospectus objectives and styles, Morningstar developed Morningstar Categories. While the prospectus objective identifies a fund's investment goals based on the wording in the fund prospectus, the Morningstar Category identifies funds based on their actual investment styles as measured by their underlying portfolio holdings (portfolio and other statistics over the past three years).

Annualized standard deviation (based on monthly returns) is a common measure of absolute volatility that tells how returns over time have varied from the mean. A lower number signifies lower volatility.

Sharpe ratios use standard deviation and excess return to determine reward per unit of risk. The higher the number, the better the portfolio's historical risk-adjusted performance.

R-squared is a measure of the correlation between a particular return and that of a benchmark index. A measure of 100 indicates that all of the return can be explained by movements in the benchmark. Generally the higher the R-squared measure, the more reliable the beta measurement will be.

Beta relatively measures sensitivity to market movements over a specified period of time. The beta of the market (represented by the benchmark index) is equal to 1; a beta higher than 1 implies that a return was more volatile than the market. A beta lower than 1 suggests that a return was less volatile than the market. Generally the higher the R-squared measure, the more reliable the beta measurement will be.

Ratio of a fund/model/composite's return during periods when the index was down, divided by the return of the index during those periods. For example, during periods when the index was down, a down-capture ratio greater than 100 indicates the fund/model/composite produced a lower return than the index.

Ratio of a fund/model/composite's return during periods when the index was up, divided by the return of the index during those periods. For example, an up-capture ratio greater than 100 indicates the fund/model/composite produced a higher return than the index during periods when the index was up.

Funds pay their shareholders dividends (usually from income or dividends earned by the fund) during the year. Regular dividends are typically paid monthly, quarterly or semi-annually. The share prices of funds that pay dividends decrease when a dividend is paid.

A fund pays a special dividend when the income earned by the fund exceeds the income the fund has paid in the form of regular dividends throughout the year. Special dividends are distributed with the last dividend payment at the end of the calendar year. The share prices of all of our equity funds and funds of funds decrease when a special dividend is paid.

When a capital gain distribution is paid, the net asset value per share is reduced by the amount of the payment plus or minus any change in the value of the fund's holdings. Read our explanation of the effect of a capital gain on a fund's price for details. Two types of capital gains are realized by our funds - short-term and long-term. Net short-term capital gains are distributed to shareholders as income dividends and are taxed at ordinary income tax rates. Long-term capital gain distributions are taxed at a maximum 20% rate. The information above classifies gain from the sale or exchange of a capital asset held for more than one year as a long-term capital gain.

When a capital gain distribution is paid, the net asset value per share is reduced by the amount of the payment plus or minus any change in the value of the fund's holdings. Read our explanation of the effect of a capital gain on a fund's price for details. Two types of capital gains are realized by our funds - short-term and long-term. Net short-term capital gains are distributed to shareholders as income dividends and are taxed at ordinary income tax rates. Long-term capital gain distributions are taxed at a maximum 20% rate. The information above classifies gain from the sale or exchange of a capital asset held for more than one year as a long-term capital gain.

The exposure to a specific currency before taking into consideration any forward currency contracts that may increase or decrease that currency's exposure.

The value of a fund share. This is the price a shareholder of the fund would receive for each share sold. NAV is calculated daily and does not account for any sales charges and/or transaction fees.

The price of a share with the maximum sales charge assessed on that share.

The 7-day SEC yield is calculated by annualizing dividends paid over the past seven days. Compared with returns, the 7-day SEC yield more accurately reflects the fund's current earnings. If shown, the net 7-day SEC yield reflects waivers/reimbursements; the gross yield does not reflect waivers/reimbursements.