Investment insights from Capital Group
Dividend stocks have rebounded
Source: Bloomberg. Data as of February 15, 2022, and based on style factor strategies created by Bloomberg. Factor investing is an investment approach that involves targeting specific drivers of return across asset classes (including macroeconomic, fundamental and other statistical measures for building a strategy).
Historical relationship between bond and dividend yields has turned positive
Sources: Capital Group, MSCI, Datastream. Data as of December 31, 2021. Yield factors are constructed by ranking dividend yields within a region and then breaking them into terciles, rebalanced monthly. The return reflects the average return of the high-yielding cohort minus the average return of the low-yielding cohort. Returns are market cap weighted. The change in the 10-year Treasury is measured as the monthly basis points change in the 10-year Treasury yield. The correlation is calculated over 24 months and rolled forward on a monthly basis.
Global dividends are projected to rise
Capital Group, FactSet, MSCI, RIMES. Data for 2022–2024 are estimates by FactSet as of February 2, 2022.
Commodity companies offer some of the highest yields
Sources: MSCI, RIMES. Data as of January 31, 2022.
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U.S. Equities
U.S. Equities
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Capital Group manages equity assets through three investment groups. These groups make investment and proxy voting decisions independently. Fixed income investment professionals provide fixed income research and investment management across the Capital organization; however, for securities with equity characteristics, they act solely on behalf of one of the three equity investment groups.