Important information

This website is for Financial Intermediaries in Italy only.


If you are an Individual Investor click here, if you are an Institutional Investor click here. Should you be looking for information for another location, please click here.


By clicking, you acknowledge that you have fully understood and accepted the Legal and Regulatory Information.

How to subscribe to Capital Group funds

In order to invest in one or more of Capital Group’s funds, you will need to contact one of our approved distributors.

Below there is the list of distributors that are currently allowed to distribute Capital Group’s funds.

Before making an investment, the investor must confirm to have read all of the below materials:

  • Key Investor Information Document (KIID)
  • Subscription Form
  • Distributor-specific documentation

These materials will be provided to you by your chosen distributor.

The KIID document is also available to view on our website under the Fund Centre - literature section.

A full list distributors and their network of financial advisors can be found below:


AlpenBank AG Filiale Bolzano
Piazza del Grano - Kornplatz, 2 - 39100 Bolzano
Tel. 0471/30.14.61

Banca del Fucino

Banca del Fucino
Via Tomacelli, 107 – 00186 Roma
Tel 06/689761

Banca Euromibliare

Banca Euromobiliare
Via Santa Margherita, 9 - 20121 Milano
Tel. 02/6376.1

Banca Generali

Banca Generali
Via Machiavelli, 4 - 34132 Trieste
Tel. 800.155.155
Fax 040.7777.288

Banca Intermobiliare

Banca Intermobiliare
Via Gramsci, 7 - 10121,
Tel. 011/08.28.1

Banca Patrimoni Sella & C.

Banca Patrimoni Sella & C.
Piazza Cnl, 255 - 10123 Torino
Tel. 015/3500600

Banca Profilo

Banca Profilo S.p.A.
Via Cerva, 28 - 20122 Milano
Tel. 02/584081


Credito Emiliano
Via Emilia S. Pietro, 4 - 42100 Reggio Emilia
Tel. 0522/582.111

Deutsche Bank Wealth Management

Deutsche Bank Wealth Management
Via Filippo Turati, 27 – 20121 Milano
Tel: 02.4024 3842

Fideuram - Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking

Fideuram - Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking
Piazzale Giulio Douhet 31 - 00143 Roma
Tel. 800.546.961


Fineco Bank S.p.A.
Piazza Durante, 11 - 20131 Milano

Fondi Online

Fondi Online
Servizio clienti: 800 92 92 95

Online Sim

Online SIM
Servizio Clienti: 800.92.00.45

Südtirol Bank

Alto Adige Banca Spa – Südtirol Bank AG
Via Esperanto, 1 - 39100 Bolzano
Tel. 0471/067015

Unica Sim

Via Bartolomeo Bosco 15 - 16121 Genova
Tel. 010/26.93.11

Per informazioni sulle ulteriori opzioni di investimento:

IST Client Operations Team

PO Box 167
6C, route de Trèves
L-2633 Senningerberg
