Important information

This website is for Institutional Investors in Australia only.


If you are an Individual Investor click here, if you are an Financial Intermediary click here. Should you be looking for information for another location, please click here.


By clicking, you acknowledge that you have fully understood and accepted the Legal and Regulatory Information.

Invest via BPAY®

Who can use BPAY® ?

At present, only existing investors can use BPAY® if they wish to add to a fund they are already invested in.

How do I use BPAY® ?

BPAY® is available as a method of payment in the online banking portals of most Australian banks and financial institutions. We recommend that you contact your bank or financial institution to confirm that you can use BPAY® to make payment from your account, or if you are unable to locate BPAY® in your online banking portal.

Once you have logged on in to your bank or financial institution’s online banking portal, simply follow the below steps:

  1. Enter the Biller Code for the fund (Biller Codes for the Funds are provided below)
  2. Enter your unique 8-digit Customer Reference Number (CRN) which can be located on your transaction and monthly statement.
  3. Enter the amount you wish to invest. Please note that a minimum of $5000 applies to additional investments made via BPAY®.
  4. Record your receipt number as a proof of transaction. You will be notified of the transaction with a transaction statement once the units have been issued.

For more information go to or contact the Unit Registry (Link Market Services) on 1800 254 401.

Additional BPAY® questions