Who I work with
My clients are typically business owners and families with complex financial lives. They need sophisticated wealth management and someone who can take a holistic view of their finances. I provide such comprehensive oversight and often spearhead coordination with a family’s outside legal, tax, insurance, and trust and estate advisors to bring all the pieces together.
My approach to working with families across generations
Wealthy families sometimes struggle with internal legacy, stewardship and governance issues. I help many families create mission statements that lay out their shared financial goals and collective personal values. As part of that process, I educate younger family members about the responsibilities that come with having wealth and how to make it sustainable.
Why I work at Capital Group Private Client Services
Ours is a privately held company with tremendous integrity. That allows me and my team to concentrate on clients’ best interests. The emphasis on always doing what’s right for clients is one of the factors that I believe really distinguishes us.